
Payments made easier

  • November 04, 2013

With Institute quickly approaching the OBA is updating our payment process to be consistent with the rest of the CBA family.

Over $8.8 Million to be refunded to CBIA customers

  • October 23, 2013

The CBIA is excited to announce that, as a result of better than anticipated financial performance, in October 2013, CBIA Business Overhead Expense and Term Life certificate owners will share in over $8.8 million through a premium refund!

Local Women Take the Lead

  • September 03, 2013

For the first time in Ontario history, two high profile provincial law organizations have female presidents at the same time and both women are from Sarnia!

Call for Newsletter Submissions

  • May 29, 2013

The OBA Health Law newsletter co-editors invite Health Law Section members and their colleagues to submit contributions to the newsletter.