Physicians Cannot Opt Out of College’s Effective Referral Policies for MAID March 01, 2018 Areta Lloyd This case summary examines a recent Ontario decision on the "effective referral" policies of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Physicians’ Obligations When Transferring a Patient’s Care February 21, 2018 Lonny Rosen and Elyse Sunshine This article considers a recent decision from the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board on a physician's obligations when transferring care to a colleague in a hospital setting.
Courts Wary of “Ghostwritten” Expert Reports February 21, 2018 Lonny Rosen and Elyse Sunshine This article examines a recent court decision dealing with the growing practice of “ghostwriting” by experts – a practice whereby the whole or part of an expert report is written by someone other than the stated author.
What You Need to Know - Legislative Updates for Delivery of Health Care in Ontario February 13, 2018 Debbie Tarshis This article provides an update on some significant health-law related initiatives that were completed by the Ontario Government as of January 1, 2018 and to make educated guesses on what we might see in the months ahead.
Perspectives on the Evolving Law and Regulation of Vaping Products December 13, 2017 Joe Berger This article presents a summary of an OBA dinner program on the evolving law and regulation of vaping products in Canada.
Omnibus Health-Sector Bill Proposes New Regulations of Health Care Organizations and Practitioners December 07, 2017 John McIntyre This article provides an overview of legislative changes arising from Bill 160, an omnibus health-related bill.
What Bothers Patients? Why Do They Complain? What we can learn from the Patient Ombudsman's First Annual Report in Ontario December 05, 2017 Kate Dewhirst This article provides an overview of the first annual report of the Patient Ombudsman of Ontario, released in November 2017
Welcome from the Chair October 06, 2017 Carla Whillier A welcome message from the Chair of the OBA Health Law Section .
Transparency at All Costs: When does transparency breed unfairness? September 25, 2017 Sarah Berhane This article considers the balance between privacy and transparency in the context of professional regulation, particularly in light of recent issues with deaths of seniors in nursing homes.
Are We Doing Enough for Our Seniors? Adjusting for inflation when allocating provincial funding to Long-Term Care Homes. September 12, 2017 Ellen Xu This article examines long-term care funding issues, and looks at proposed legislation that would require the Minister to adjust the funding provided to long-term care homes with respect to ongoing operating costs as of January 1 in a given year.