Articles 2025


Ontario's Patient Ombudsman Released Special Report on Long-Term Care

  • October 16, 2020
  • Carina Lentsch, ACL Law

Earlier this month, Ontario’s Patient Ombudsman released a special report, Honouring the voices and experiences of Long-Term Care Home residents, caregivers and staff during the first wave of COVID-19 in Ontario (the "Report"), calling for major changes to prevent further tragedies in the Province's Long-Term Care sector during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Health Law, Student Forum

A Recap of Priority CPD Programming: Professional Regulation and Discipline of Health Professionals – How the Landscape has Changed

  • October 15, 2020
  • Carina Lentsch, ACL Law

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the regulation of health professionals in Ontario. On October 7, 2020 the OBA’s Health Law Section hosted a timely webinar where we heard from both the regulators and the defence counsels’ perspectives. This article discusses some of the highlights and take-away points of the program.

Health Law, Student Forum

Recent Case Sheds Light on OHIP Billing Amendments: 1582235 Ontario Limited v Ontario, 2020 ONSC 1279

  • October 15, 2020
  • Joshua Lerner, Rosen Sunshine LLP

The resulting effect of Bill 138, the Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, on the province’s healthcare regime has already been interpreted by the Ontario Superior Court in a recent decision, shedding light on the practical implications of some of these amendments and how they may impact ongoing disputes related to a physician’s billings. The case of 1582235 Ontario Limited v Ontario, 2020 ONSC 1279, addresses issues on the current OHIP billing process.

Health Law, Student Forum
Shelley Birenbaum,

Q&A with Shelley Birenbaum, OBA Susan Hilary Davidson Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Law Recipient

  • May 24, 2020

Shelley Birenbaum, Shelley R. Birenbaum Professional Corporation, is being honoured this year with the OBA Susan Hilary Davidson Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Law for her outstanding achievements and contributions to the area of health law in Ontario. Gain a glimpse of what motivates her and how she is making a difference in her area of practice in this candid Q&A.

Health Law, Student Forum
Rozmin Mediratta, Wise Health Law

Delivering Virtual Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • March 27, 2020
  • Rozmin Mediratta, Wise Health Law

Technology has played an integral role in the delivery of healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, and has helped maximize healthcare professionals' ability to provide necessary care to patients while minimizing the spread and exposure to the virus.

Health Law, Student Forum
Nida Sohani

15 Questions in 15 Minutes with Kathy O'Brien

  • March 11, 2020
  • Nida Sohani

We sat down with a leading corporate health lawyer, and one of the founding partners of Dykeman O'Brien Health Law, Kathy O'Brien, to pick her brain about her legal journey and her advice to young health lawyers!

Health Law, Student Forum

A Recap of "Key Constitutional and Human Rights in Health Law & Practice” at the OBA Institute

  • March 04, 2020
  • Carina Lentsch

On February 4, 2020, the OBA Health Law Section collaborated with the Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section in hosting “Key Constitutional and Human Rights in Health Law & Practice” at the OBA Institute. This article recaps some of the highlights of the event.

Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Health Law, Student Forum

Multi-Parent Families: Considerations for Health Care Providers

  • January 06, 2020
  • Clancy Catelin, Rosen Sunshine LLP

Awareness and recognition of multi-parent families is growing, and in 2016 Canada took steps to recognize multi-parent families by enacting the All Families Are Equal Act ("EFCA"). The formal recognition of multi-parent families introduces with it various challenges and considerations for health care providers.

Health Law, Student Forum