International Recruitment February 23, 2012 Greg Joffe While nations race around the world trying to acquire natural resources there is another global hunt going on. Post-secondary educational institutions in the Western hemisphere are scouring the globe, looking for new students and sources of funds.
Anti-bullying Legislation February 23, 2012 Michael Smyth On November 30, 2011, two Bills were introduced in the Ontario legislation related to anti-bullying initiatives in schools.
Update on Criminal Background Checks October 13, 2011 Jennifer Trépanier Recently, many school boards have been experiencing difficulties recruiting employees in a timely manner due to recent complications in the criminal record check process.
Students' Freedom of Expression Gets a Status Update October 13, 2011 Noah J. Singer While most students' Facebook news feeds are filled with their friends' status updates, new photos and foursquare notices, perhaps they should consider posting the following update: be careful what you post.
Failing to Make Findings Results in Overturning Decision October 13, 2011 Nadya Tymochenko The Divisional Court recently set aside the decision of arbitrator David Starkman with respect to the dismissal of a teacher from the Thames Valley District School Board.
Tribunal Decides School Boards Provide Services to Parents, Not Just Students October 13, 2011 Nicola Simmons, Seher Goderya In the wake of a recent interim decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“the Tribunal”), it appears that parents may be able to bring applications against school boards on their own behalf for discrimination in the provision of services.