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Documents de programmes, Complimentary Archived Video

Litigating Climate Change

  • 30 avril 2024

Given the impact on human health and well-being, climate change and other environmental issues are increasingly becoming the subject of Charter litigation, as individuals and groups seek to hold the government to account for its role in regulating the activity that contributes to these impacts. 

Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Droit de l’environnement, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

How Lawyers with Disabilities and Their Allies Are Creating Change in the Legal Profession

  • 04 décembre 2023

Join us to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) as we applaud the valuable contributions and leadership of lawyers living with disabilities, and highlight the work of people, organizations, and communities that are removing barriers.

Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Human Rights Considerations for Conducting Workplace Investigations

  • 28 novembre 2023

As workplace investigations have become more commonplace, employers are now faced with a multitude of considerations both in the selection of an investigator and how the investigation will be conducted.

Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Student Forum


Personal Security Handbook Minimizing Risks to Personal Safety for You, Your Family, Friends and Colleagues

  • 16 mai 2023

The potential danger associated with the life of those in the legal profession is an unpleasant topic of conversation among family, friends and staff, but avoiding the subject does not lessen the potential for harm.

Droit autochtone, Droit administratif, Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits et 49 en plus, Air and Space Law, Droit relatif aux animaux, Droit de l’insolvabilité, Droit des affaires, Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif, Litige civil, Droit des recours collectifs, Competition Law, Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Association canadienne des conseillers et conseillères juridiques d’entreprises (Section de l’Ontario), Justice pénale, Droit des enfants et des jeunes, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Droit relatif à l’éducation, Elder Law, Droit de l’environnement, Droit de la famille, Forum des avocates, Droit des franchises, French Speaking Lawyers, Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Groupe Francophone, Droit relatif à la santé, Citoyenneté et immigration, Droit des assurances, Droit international, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Droit du travail et de l’emploi, Legal Prof Assistance, Gestion de la pratique du droit, Maritime Law, Droit du divertissement, de l'information et des télécommunications, droit militaire, Droit municipal, Richesses naturelles et énergie, Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux, Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Avocats du secteur public, Droit immobilier, Sales / Commodity, Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum, Droit fiscal, Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, Droit des fiducies et des successions, Accidents de travail, Young Lawyers' Division

Complimentary Archived Video

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for Lawyers with Disabilities in the Practice of Law

  • 02 décembre 2022

As lawyers, we have a proactive responsibility to promote EDI in our profession and beyond. Despite increased public and professional attention given to EDI topics in the past few years, many of us are still developing our skills in this area.

Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Avocats du secteur public, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Career Turns: Successful Paths to Public Interest Work

  • 04 novembre 2022

Your law degree can be the foundation for a career that can take in different directions.

Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Complimentary Archived Video

Insights on the Emergencies Act and the Right to Peaceful Assembly

  • 02 mai 2022

Join our expert faculty for a timely and vital discussion on the implications of the federal government’s historic invocation of the Emergencies Act earlier this year.

Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

What the Future Holds for Tribunals Ontario: A Discussion with Executive Chair Sean Weir

  • 21 septembre 2021

Join us as we sit down with Executive Chair Sean Weir to discuss the latest updates from Tribunals Ontario.  Appointed as the Chair of Tribunals Ontario in June 2020, Mr. Weir has led the organization through an unprecedented period of transition.

Droit administratif, Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Student Forum