Articles 2022


Damages in Lieu of Reinstatement in the Human Rights Context in Ontario

  • October 30, 2015
  • Wade Poziomka

This brief paper explores damages in lieu of reinstatement in the context of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. The Tribunal has never ordered these damages previously, and the failure to award damages in lieu of reinstatement where an employment relationship is not viable compounds the harm experienced by victims of discrimination. This is particular so where the relationship has broken down through no fault of the applicant.

Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law

Hate Speech in Canada: Revisiting the Whatcott decision

  • January 26, 2015
  • Jacob Murad

Against the very recent debates in global media on how far freedom of speech should be protected, this article takes a look at this right in a Canadian context. Using Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v Whatcott, the author reveals the interesting interplay fundamental freedom of speech and the limitations posed on this freedom by hate speech legislation.

Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law

The "Inspiration Effect" at the Equality Effect

  • October 08, 2014
  • Richa Sandill

Five diverse lawyers come together in one article to share their enthusiasm behind human rights, volunteering, and working together as the driving forces of the Equality Effect - the headline organization for the CCLHR Section's upcoming October 14 event.

Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law