Articles 2023


Doucet v The Royal Winnipeg Ballet: Closing the Curtain on Honouraria for Representative Plaintiffs and Class Member Witnesses?

  • 10 mars 2022
  • Chelsea Smith, McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP

The trend of rising judicial skepticism towards class action honouraria recently culminated in Doucet v The Royal Winnipeg Ballet, a February 11, 2022 decision of Perell J concluding that the practice of granting honouraria is wrong and should be stopped altogether as a matter of legal principle. This article examines the impact or possible impact of Doucet on the practice of granting honouraria in Ontario.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Fresco v. CIBC: Ontario Court of Appeal Decision Offers Guidance, Leaves Open Questions

  • 03 mars 2022
  • Ian Matthews and Adrian Pel, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

On February 9, 2022, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released its highly anticipated decision in Fresco v. CIBC in a long-running class action regarding the payment of overtime to class members. While Fresco is an important appellate decision, it also raises a number of important questions, including about the extent to which proposed common issues can be introduced (or re-introduced) when the merits of the already-certified common issues are being determined at a common issues trial.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Bourque v. Insight: First Class Proceeding to be dismissed for delay under the new s. 29.1 of the amended Class Proceedings Act

  • 15 février 2022
  • Jessica Lam and Alysha Li, Blakes

In Bourque v. Insight Productions Ltd. et al (“Bourque”) , the Ontario Superior Court of Justice had its first occasion to dismiss an action for delay pursuant to the new s. 29.1. Although he dismissed the action, Justice Belobaba said it could be refiled against the same defendants but with a different proposed representative plaintiff. The basis for this determination and whether it represents obiter comments is unclear.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Baroch v. Canada Cartage: The Impact of Litigation Funding Agreements on the Reasonableness of Class Counsel’s Fees

  • 14 février 2022
  • Michael A. Currie and Fabian Suárez-Amaya, Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb

In Baroch v Canada, Justice Belobaba noted that it was “self-evident… that third-party funding should be a relevant factor in the ‘risks incurred’ analysis” but that “it may be unfair to impose this new risk metric retroactively on a class action that was undoubtedly commenced under a very different expectation.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Carriage Test Under New s. 13.1 of CPA - Ontario Court Highlights Efficiency in Weighing Competing Class Actions

  • 06 février 2022
  • Michelle Logasov, Sotos LLP

Efficiency and cost effectiveness are key considerations under the new carriage test in s. 13.1 of the Class Proceedings Act, according to a recent decision of Justice Perell in Bonnick v. Simply Group. Justice Perell’s decision makes it clear that the new provision is a significant departure from the common law test on carriage, and emphasizes factors of efficiency, proportionality and the cost-effectiveness of the proceeding as key determinants for carriage going forward.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Owsianik v. Equifax: Divisional Court Curtails Scope of Privacy Breach Class Actions in Ontario

  • 14 décembre 2021
  • Megan Percy, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP

In Owsianik v. Equifax, the Divisional Court held that organizations that collect and store private information cannot be liable for the tort of intrusion upon seclusion when third parties steal or access that information. While it will not be the final word on the subject, this decision significantly curtails the scope of privacy breach class actions in Ontario that arise out of third-party hacking and cyberattacks.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Kirsh: No Panacea for Parallel National Class Actions

  • 25 novembre 2021
  • Golnaz Nayerahmadi, Rochon Genova LLP

In Kirsh, the Divisional Court recently considered the principles applicable to the analysis of preferability and abuse of process in the context of parallel national class actions. It confirmed what the class actions bar has known for a long time: there is no panacea for the phenomenon of parallel and duplicative national class actions commenced in different Canadian jurisdictions, particularly when the overlapping proceedings are commenced by different plaintiffs and different class counsel.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Lloyd v Google: UK Supreme Court holds that England’s representative rule can be used to craft a class action

  • 24 novembre 2021
  • Suzanne Chiodo, assistant professor, Western Law,

The UK Supreme Court just released its long-awaited judgment in Lloyd v Google, deciding whether England’s representative action rule can be used for the purposes of a class action. The UK Supreme Court’s interpretation of the representative rule is more revolutionary than appearances would suggest.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Levac v. James et al.: A Novel Causation Argument Meets with Success

  • 14 novembre 2021
  • Paul Harte, Harte Law Professional Corporation

The recent decision of Justice Morgan in Levac v. James, 2021 ONSC 5971 confirms that common elements of causation can be resolved in a class proceeding, even while the ultimate proof of causation remains an individual issue. The decision is also noteworthy for the proposition that causal inferences can be established on the basis of circumstantial evidence supported by statistical and epidemiologic inference alone.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

The Aphria Decision: The Ragoonanan Rule Lives on in Ontario

  • 30 octobre 2021
  • Anthony O'Brien, Siskinds LLP

The Ragoonanan rule has been a fixture of Ontario class action law for approximately 20 years, yet it remains controversial. Does the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Marcotte mean that the Ragoonanan rule is no longer good law in Ontario? That is an issue that had been afforded judicial notice, but never addressed head-on until the recent decision of Justice Perell in Aphria.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum