Articles 2019


The Impact of Sentencing On Children

  • March 02, 2017
  • Brock Jones

Should adult criminal courts consider the best interests of an offender's dependent children when making sentencing decisions? Could the application of this principle reduce, or even eliminate, a custodial sentence where one might otherwise be entirely appropriate?

Child and Youth Law

Accounting for Pre-sentence Custody Under the YCJA

  • December 06, 2016
  • Lauren Warner

Lauren Warner summarizes the recent case of R. v. M.B., 2016 ONCA 760, in which the Ontario Court of Appeal has reminded us that a youth court judge has discretion to determine whether and how much credit to give a youth for pre-sentence custody, especially where considering imposing an adult sentence.

Child and Youth Law

Accessing “Mixed” Youth Court Records

  • September 21, 2016
  • Brock Jones

Access to the court records of children and young persons who interact with the criminal or civil justice systems is tightly controlled. For example, youth records created for the purposes of a criminal investigation or prosecution are protected by a strict and comprehensive set of provisions found in Part VI of the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Child and Youth Law
Sexting, Sentencing and the YCJA

Sexting, Sentencing and the YCJA

  • May 09, 2016
  • Brock Jones

What is an appropriate sentence for a young person found in possession of naked pictures of another teenager? What if he or she has distributed them without consent to their friends? This article explains key distinctions between the YCJA and the Criminal Code.

Child and Youth Law

What is "Open" Custody?

  • February 22, 2016
  • Brock Jones

What is the difference between "secure" and "open" custody in youth criminal justice proceedings?

Child and Youth Law

Child Refugees and Migrants

  • February 02, 2016
  • Emily Chan

Child Refugees and Migrants: the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Kanthasamy v Canada, 2015 SCC 61

Child and Youth Law

A Punch is Still a Punch - Mens rea and young persons

  • January 18, 2016
  • Brock Jones

Should courts apply a different standard when assessing the necessary mens rea – or criminal intent – to ground a finding of guilt when the defendant is a young person?

Child and Youth Law

Ontario Passes Protecting Child Performers Act

  • August 05, 2015
  • Bob Tarantino

On April 30, 2015, Ontario passed Bill 17, entitled the Protecting Child Performers Act. It comes into force in February 2016. The Act changes in critical ways the obligations of Ontario employers of children in the entertainment industries.

Child and Youth Law