
Bringing Legal Expertise to Law Reform: Lawyers and the Law Commission of Ontario

  • December 03, 2015

It is with mixed emotions for the OBA and the Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) as we bid farewell to their outgoing Executive Director Patricia Hughes and welcome her successor Nye Thomas. Ms. Hughes has penned a very complimentary letter to the OBA, identifying how the input of lawyers has been key to ensuring that their perspectives and knowledge are incorporated into LCO projects.

OBA Member Receives AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Award

  • November 27, 2015

OBA member Lorin MacDonald, who sits on the Equality Committee, was recognized this week as a recipient of the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities 10th Anniversary Champion Award.


  • October 30, 2015

The Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) has recognized the Ontario Bar Association with their Make a Better Canada Award in the Professional Development and Education Category.

OBA Hosts Successful Business Law Summit

  • October 08, 2015

The OBA's Business Law Summit, chaired by Arlene O'Neill, successfully brought together members of Ontario's business law community to share their expertise and views on reform directly with government and respond to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Expert Panel's Business Law Agenda: Priority Findings and Recommendations Report.

OBA President Profiled in Law Times

  • August 31, 2015

In an interview with the Law Times, new OBA President Ed Upenieks discusses his priorities for the year ahead, including helping OBA members engage with their professional and local communities.