OBA Foundation Strathy Award


The OBA Foundation Strathy Award recognizes the contribution of an individual or group towards a greater understanding of mental health issues in the justice system and/or the destigmatization of mental illness, whether through community work, research, teaching, activism, participation in the justice system, or otherwise.  

The OBA Foundation Strathy Award is presented annually.

Nominees may include lawyers, paralegals, judges, academics, students, advocates, social workers, court administrators and other staff, and police officers.


Nominations for the OBA Foundation Strathy Award should be submitted to the Trustees of the OBA Foundation  c/o Mohsen Seddigh at mseddigh@sotos.ca and Valerie Dallas at vdallas@oba.org and should include the following: 

  1. name, contact information and current CV of the nominee;
  2. name and contact information of the nominator;
  3. a description of the nominee’s contributions towards a greater understanding of mental health issues within the justice system and/or the destigmatization of mental illness, whether through community work, research, teaching, participation in the justice system, or otherwise.

Nominations must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on April 4, 2025 to be considered.


The recipients of the OBA Foundation Strathy Award will be selected by a Selection Committee appointed by the OBA Foundation.