
OBA Institute Returns February 2017

  • 17 novembre 2016

The OBA’s Institute, Canada’s largest legal CPD event, will return February 7-11, 2017 in Toronto, Ottawa and online via live webcast.


  • 07 novembre 2016

Le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé une réforme du processus de nomination des juges, lequel sera plus transparent et responsable et reflètera davantage la diversité de la société canadienne.

Law Times Highlights OBA's Submission Regarding LPP

  • 01 novembre 2016

A Law Times article highlights the OBA’s submission regarding the Pathways Pilot Project and Law Practice Program, which recommended the completion of the pilot’s five year run to allow for further examination of the articling alternative.

Law Times Highlights OBA's Submission Regarding LPP

  • 01 novembre 2016

A Law Times article highlights the OBA’s submission regarding the Pathways Pilot Project and Law Practice Program, which recommended the completion of the pilot’s five year run to allow for further examination of the articling alternative.

Celebrating a “Lawyer’s Lawyer”

  • 28 octobre 2016

Toronto, ON -- A highly-regarded Toronto lawyer will be recognized for his excellence and contributions to the practice of civil litigation next week.

LSUC Prepares Final Report & Recommendations on Pathways Pilot Project

  • 27 octobre 2016

The Law Society of Upper Canada’s Professional Development and Competence Committee has released a final report with recommendations on the Pathways Pilot Project. Among the recommendations, the report proposes an extension of the current Pathways Pilot Project for two years – a recommendation included in the OBA’s submission to the Committee.

OBA Adopts Organization-Wide Diversity Statement

  • 21 octobre 2016

The OBA’s Equality Committee, working with a subcommittee and OBA Council members, recently brought forward ideas and recommendations to the OBA Board of Directors regarding diversity in leadership, focusing on inclusion and representation within the OBA. One of the recommendations was that the OBA adopt an organization-wide diversity statement affirming the OBA’s ongoing efforts to increase inclusion.