OBA Addresses Mental Health in the Legal Profession

OBA Addresses Mental Health in the Legal Profession

  • December 04, 2014

With a commitment to supporting mental health and wellness within the province`s legal community, the Ontario Bar Association is pleased to introduce Opening Remarks, an initiative designed to advance the conversation about mental health in the profession.

OBA President Discusses Mental Health in the Workplace

  • November 27, 2014

OBA President Orlando Da Silva spoke recently at the Niagara Health System’s “Day in Psychiatry” event. By sharing his experiences with depression, he is helping to advance the conversation about mental health in the legal profession and beyond.

Young Lawyers in London Help Feed the Hungry

  • November 21, 2014

London, ON – Young Lawyers from the Ontario Bar Association will join forces with the London Lawyers Feed the Hungry (LLFH) program this Sunday to host a special soup kitchen dinner at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Civil Review Project Report

  • November 10, 2014

The mandate of the Judicial Working Group of the Civil Review Project is to make recommendations reducing wait times on the civil list in Toronto. This report provides initial recommendations for civil long motions and begins to canvas long-term solution to reduce unacceptable delays in the litigation process.

Giving More Ontarians Access to Affordable Legal Services

  • October 30, 2014

Following our successful advocacy on the issue, the Attorney General was joined by the OBA today as she announced that the first Legal Aid income-eligibility threshold increase since 1996 will take effect on November 1st. The initial threshold increase will be 6% and will be followed by two additional 6% increases by April 2016.

Lawyers Improving Access to Justice with Technology

  • October 29, 2014

Cornwall lawyer, Michele R.J. Allinotte was front and centre at the Ontario Bar Association's TECHxpo 2.0. along with co-chair Chris Jaglowitz. Read the full story as featured in the Cornwall Standard Freeholder.