Toronto Region Video Bail Pilot

  • August 21, 2020

Commencing Monday, August 24, 2020, all 23 division bail matters supporting 2201 Finch will take place by webRTC video, including consent and contested bails, as well as remands.

WebRTC video can be accessed by visiting and entering the following meeting ID and participant code, assigned to the 2201 Finch bail courtroom:

Meeting ID:  9993053

Participant code: 3803

If you do not have technology required to support webRTC video, you can participate in the virtual hearing by webRTC audio by dialing 416-581-5257 and entering the webRTC meeting ID and participant code listed above; however, this option should be used only if you do not have the technology requirements to support webRTC video.

For more information, please see: [please link each of the below to the attached documents]

You are encouraged to pre-test your connection and computer capabilities. Anyone can pre-test the link by accessing the JVN website above and entering the following meeting ID and passcode: Meeting ID  9990000 Passcode  4957.  Up to 5 people can pre-test at the same time.

Pilot launch dates for 14 division and WASH court will be available shortly.