Your Career

Whether you’re building, managing, hiring or retiring, we cover every angle of your career to help you work your way to success. 

Woman at Job interview, looking dejected

SPILL: Top Job Interview Turn-offs

  • June 05, 2019
  • Emily Sinkins

We asked our members, as a candidate, what could you experience at a job interview that would give you pause about pursuing the role?

Woman standing in field looking at many opened doors

Alternative Career Paths for Lawyers

  • March 14, 2019
  • Alexandra Mealia

A law degree can take you many places. Alexandra Mealia maps out some of the most apt and enticing professional possibilities to explore outside the traditional practice of law.

Young lady standing confidently holding tablet

8 Essential Ingredients to Make the Most of First-Year Law School

  • November 28, 2018
  • Heather Donkers and Dana Lue

Heather Donkers and Dana Lue, chairs of the OBA’s Student Section and Young Lawyers Division - Central executives, respectively, offer advice from the other side about how to maximize the first-year experience while maintaining a healthy perspective.

Cartoon of Comedian holding a mike with spotlights

A Legal Career’s Comic Turn

  • August 23, 2018
  • Marcel Strigberger

A former lawyer, now fulltime humourist makes a case for laughter in the practice of law and the pursuit of a second act.

A path in forest splitting into two directions

The Path

  • May 16, 2018
  • Marie Clemens

Marie Clemens shares her experience in uprooting her practice and moving to a new city, and how change can help us all achieve our goals.

Stylized image of a person chest with image of city overlaid

Workplace Culture: Tips for finding the right fit

  • October 05, 2017
  • Catherine Brennan

Studies indicate that employees value workplace culture over compensation when it comes to job satisfaction. But how can you know what kind of a culture you're getting into before signing the employment contract?

Blurred image of a classroom

Teaching Law

  • October 05, 2017

These lawyers enjoy teaching so much they've taken it on part time and even made a career change. We asked each to tell us about their teaching experience and share what makes it rewarding for them.