Your Career

Whether you’re building, managing, hiring or retiring, we cover every angle of your career to help you work your way to success. 

scales of justice balanced on a food fork

The Future of Food Law

  • February 02, 2017
  • Annie Chu

At Canada's first 'food law' conference, Annie Chu learns how the culinary world is drawing more attention to the link between sustainability, human rights and the food on our plates, and why the legal profession ought to evolve in response to the overwhelming demand for representation.

Stadium with all lights on the field

Rules of the Game: Sports Law

  • February 02, 2017
  • Marco Ciarlariello and Michael Weizel

Aspiring sports lawyers Marco Ciarlariello and Michael Weizel speak with four top lawyers about the realities of practice in the sports industry and find that, despite its reputation for glamour, successful sports law requires training, discipline and major league effort.

Scale of justice in red on blue background of computer code

How to Interact with Judges on Social Media

  • October 14, 2016
  • The Hon. Justice Jamie K. Trimble

The Hon. Justice Jamie K. Trimble shares his perspective as a judge on social media, and offers tips to lawyers who wish to interact with judges online.

person wearing graduation cap with a price tag attached

The Burden of Debt

  • August 09, 2016
  • Brock B. Jones

What was the cost of tuition when you went to law school? Four law students share their personal stories with law school debt.

Multiple colored bands woven together

OBA Section Executives, Working for You

  • June 21, 2016

The OBA membership relies upon the legs of 800+ Section executive volunteers, who devote their time to serving and representing our diverse body of lawyers across the province.