
About ArticlesLes articles ci-dessous sont publiés par la au forum de la Division des jeunes juristes de l'Association du Barreau de l'Ontario. Les membres sont invités à soumettre des articles.  A propos des articles.

Rédacteurs : Angela Ogang - Central Region, Tomilola Adebiyi - East Region


Conflicts: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

  • 04 décembre 2021
  • Ashley Bennett, Soloway Wright LLP

Conflicts of interest are all around us. The politician who takes a large campaign donation from a special interest group. The realtor who pushes a sale to get their commission. The hiring director who insists their relative is the best candidate for a job. You likely know it when you see it. For legal practitioners, however, conflicts of interest work on us in complex ways and recognizing them is not always intuitive.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Feel the Burn: Burnout in the Workplace

  • 04 décembre 2021
  • Olivia Koneval-Brown, Mann Lawyers LLP

“You’re going to burn out.” Many of us have probably heard this phrase, having either been the one telling this to someone or been on the receiving end. With its stay-at-home orders, working from home, and not having a clear division in our days, the pandemic has made burnouts a more prevalent issue across various professions. The author shares some tips on dealing with burnout in the workplace as a young lawyer.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Breaking News: How to Learn New or Emerging Law in a Pinch

  • 28 septembre 2021
  • Mark Asfar

Lawyers who have embraced emerging legal situations have likely learned a happy lesson – it is absolutely possible to learn about new or emerging areas of law and get the answers your clients need, as long as you know how to go about it.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division
Angela Ogang

Leadership is a Muscle, So Work It

  • 28 septembre 2021
  • Angela Ogang, Newsletter Editor, Young Lawyers Division (Central Region)

Leadership is a muscle that we are all born with, but it is one that requires regular exercise for maximum effect. Read on for a few tips on how to build that muscle in the early stages of your career.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division
There Is Much to Be Learned From Trans Rights

There Is Much to Be Learned From Trans Rights

  • 29 juin 2021
  • Angela Ogang, Newsletter Editor, Young Lawyers Division (Central)

I recently had an amazing conversation with Nicki Ward, an advocate and activist who has been very active in the trans community for well over 20 years and who is well versed in the types of issues I wanted to explore as we wind down on Pride Month 2021. We talked about human rights, the Toronto Trans March, self-awareness, and how we can expand as human beings into a space that is ultimately better for our society as a whole. I hope you find this conversation just as refreshing as I did. 

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division