Articles 2023


Seven Takeaways from the OBA Summit on Gender Equality

  • 26 septembre 2019
  • Ivan Merrow, lawyer at Glaholt LLP and Madeleine Tyber, compliance counsel at LAWPRO (Lawyers Professional Indemnity Company)

On September 10, 2019, two members of the OBA's Young Lawyers' Division Executive attended the Momentum Summit on gender equality and equity. The event was a capstone on the OBA’s 2018-2019 initiatives to advance gender equality in the legal profession. In case you missed it, this article has 7 takeaways from the summit's sessions.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Lawyering and Parenting: A Balancing Act?

  • 26 septembre 2019
  • Susana May Yon Lee, international trade lawyer at Cassidy Levy Kent (Canada) LLP,

I always knew that I wanted a family and a rewarding career, both of which are extremely important to me. Somehow, I am lucky and extremely privileged to have it work out so far. I should not be naïve as I know that I’m only a few miles into a life-long marathon in this balancing act, but for those who might be at the start line, here are a few of the (somewhat) expected and unexpected challenges to parenting and lawyering that I have encountered so far.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Young Lawyers and Mental Health: Burn Bright without Burning Out

  • 26 septembre 2019
  • Marlee Olson, staff lawyer at Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

It’s no surprise that young lawyers tend to be workaholics who don’t take care of themselves. After all, we are still fresh out of the all-nighter mode of law school and the crazy hours of articling. Plus, there’s the ever-present pressure to prove yourself as a recent call. But wouldn’t you rather get that dream job AND be mentally healthy?

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Why You (Yes, You) Should Have a Will

  • 24 septembre 2019
  • Calvin Hancock, associate at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

The number of Canadians without a Will should astonish lawyers. A recent study found that the majority of Canadians do not have a Will. In my experience, anecdotal evidence suggests that these statistics are consistent among young lawyers, particularly among those who are just beginning their practices. As a young lawyer (potentially with student debt, but also on the verge of significant financial milestones such as home ownership and child rearing) you should seriously consider making a Will.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Non-Competition Clauses in Employment Contracts

  • 16 septembre 2019
  • Andrea Sanche and Farhad Shekib, lawyers at Ricketts Harris LLP

Non-competition clauses in employment contracts present a conflict between two long-standing common law principles: discouraging restraints on trade and respecting freedom of contract. To make the terms enforceable, employers need to ensure they are drafted carefully, clearly and as narrowly as possible. Employees should similarly take caution before agreeing to a non-compete provision. Read on for more insight on non-solicitation clauses to assist your clients in the future.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Reflections on Defeat and the Value of Experience

  • 13 septembre 2019
  • Jonah Waxman, Lawrence, Lawrence, Stevenson LLP

Losing is a part of litigation. A big part. The adage goes that a lawyer who wins 100 per cent of their cases is a lawyer doing their other clients a disservice by not pushing the difficult matters to trial. Read on for insights from Jonah Waxman on the value of experience that comes from defeat.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Two Cups of Tea: 1.9 Million Risk Statelessness in India

  • 12 septembre 2019
  • Tahir Khorasanee, Wakelin & Associates

In an interview with Tahir Khorasanee, Mr. Syed Zulfiqar Bukhari, an entrepreneur who is presently Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan for Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development and Chairman of the National Tourism Coordination Board (NTCB) and the Pakistan Tourism Board, brings attention to a humanitarian crisis in India that risks depriving more than a million people of statehood.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

In Praise of the Honourable Justice Clement Gascon

  • 31 mai 2019
  • Heather Douglas, lawyer at AMR Barristers and Solicitors LLP

The Honourable Justice Clement Gascon recently made headlines with his brief disappearance and public message about his past struggles with mental illness. Heather Douglas writes about Justice Gascon's bravery, among other lawyers' stories, and the importance of open dialogue on lawyers' mental health.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Raw Reflections on My Year as Chair of the OBA YLD (Central)

  • 31 mai 2019
  • Dana Lue, associate lawyer at Ricketts Harris LLP

Chair (2018-2019) of the Ontario Bar Association's (OBA) Young Lawyers Division (YLD) (Central), Dana Lue reflects on her year and provides seven tips for others seeking to take on leadership roles in the OBA and other professional organizations in 2019-2020.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division