Articles 2022


Rideau Club Reception

  • 01 novembre 2012
  • Erin McNamara

On October 10th, the OBA Young Lawyers’ Division East held its first event of the 2012-2013 season, hosting The Honourable Madam Justice Andromache Karakatsanis at the Rideau Club in Ottawa.

Young Lawyers' Division

Message from the Chair - YLD East

  • 01 juillet 2012
  • Janet Lo

It's hard to believe how quickly the YLD East year flew by! YLD East has had a busy spring with many events.

Young Lawyers' Division

Message from the Chair (YLD East)

  • 01 novembre 2011
  • Janet Lo

YLD East is off to another busy year and it is an honour to work with such a dedicated YLD East Executive team.

Young Lawyers' Division

YLD Central Update

  • 01 novembre 2011
  • Jeremy Shaw, Dina Stigas

This year the YLD Central has not one, but two dedicated chairs: Jeremy Shaw and Dina Stigas.

Young Lawyers' Division

Technology Tips

  • 01 novembre 2011
  • Michael Nowina

Everybody loves (and occasionally curses after an inadvertent email is sent) the ability of Outlook to remember every address you have typed in a To: Cc: or Bcc: field and then auto-fill it.

Young Lawyers' Division

Potpourri at the SCC: A Sampling of Recent Decisions

  • 01 novembre 2011
  • Lauren Wihak

This case deals with the proper test for reviewing a prosecutor's decision to expunge a guilty plea, in the context of a prosecution on charges of impaired and dangerous driving causing death.

Young Lawyers' Division

Rideau Club Reception

  • 01 novembre 2011
  • Sean van Helden

On October 6, 2011, the OBA YLD East launched its 2011/2012 season in the nation’s capital with a reception in honour of The Honourable Justice Thomas A. Cromwell.

Young Lawyers' Division