Lawyering and Parenting: A Balancing Act?

  • 26 septembre 2019
  • Susana May Yon Lee, international trade lawyer at Cassidy Levy Kent (Canada) LLP

It’s 9 pm. On most days, we are finally successful in putting our toddler to bed. My husband and I rush around the house, trying to pick up and put away all the toys thrown by our child on the ground, down the stairs, into the kitchen sink, into the toilet, etc. Once that’s done, we make a pot of tea (non-caffeinated for me, as I’m pregnant again), settle down, and log onto our computers to put a couple of hours of work in before heading to bed for the night. This has become our nightly routine.

As a couple, we have made the choice to become working parents, one of us as a lawyer in private practice and the other as a university law professor. Life is busy and chaotic. But I would not have it any other way.

I always knew that I wanted a family and a rewarding career, both of which are extremely important to me. Somehow, I am lucky and extremely privileged to have it work out so far. I should not be naïve as I know that I’m only a few miles into a life-long marathon in this balancing act, but for those who might be at the start line, here are a few of the (somewhat) expected and unexpected challenges to parenting and lawyering that I have encountered so far: