Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Profession and the Increasing Value of Junior Lawyers

  • 29 novembre 2019
  • Bettina Xue Griffin, legal associate at Blue J Legal

I am a legal associate at Blue J Legal, a tech start-up that uses artificial intelligence (“AI”) to predict the outcome of legal issues. Whenever the question of what I do for a living crops up at social events, I will inevitably get asked the same question: “So you’re helping the robots take our jobs?”

This question comes up so frequently that I have a canned response of, “Don’t worry, your job is safe.” But just for fun, I’ll also throw in a dire warning, “but lawyers using AI will replace the ones who don’t.”

The idea of smart robots walking and talking amongst us, capable of performing our daily tasks without complaint, and (perhaps more importantly) without any concept of labour rights or sleep, is so sensational that it leads to a misunderstanding of what AI is and what it is capable of.

In this article, I will briefly provide an overview of AI and how it will continue to impact junior lawyers’ legal practices. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will feel more confident in your job security and better understand how AI may become an asset in your legal practice for years to come.