

Complimentary Archived Video

Rent Relief for Small Firms: Help is Available

  • 07 mai 2020

Whether you need advice on how to negotiate rent relief with your landlord, or have questions on how to access the government support programs available to small businesses for rent assistance, this program will give you the information you need.  

Droit autochtone, Droit administratif, Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits et 38 en plus, Air and Space Law, Droit de l’insolvabilité, Droit des affaires, Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif, Litige civil, Droit des recours collectifs, Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Association canadienne des conseillers et conseillères juridiques d’entreprises (Section de l’Ontario), Justice pénale, Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit relatif à l’éducation, Elder Law, Droit de l’environnement, Droit de la famille, Droit des franchises, Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Droit relatif à la santé, Citoyenneté et immigration, Droit des assurances, Droit international, Intellectual Prop, Droit du travail et de l’emploi, Gestion de la pratique du droit, Droit du divertissement, de l'information et des télécommunications, Droit municipal, Richesses naturelles et énergie, Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux, Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Avocats du secteur public, Droit immobilier, Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum, Droit fiscal, Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, Droit des fiducies et des successions, Accidents de travail, Young Lawyers' Division

Complimentary Archived Video

Ethics and Professionalism in Workers' Compensation Adjudication

  • 13 novembre 2019

Lawyers practicing workers’ compensation law are presented with unique ethical and professional dilemmas.  What are the tactics and strategies lawyers should use to make a persuasive case within the ethical bounds of the practice of law?

Student Forum, Accidents de travail

Complimentary Archived Video

Can Ontario Claimants Access U.S. Asbestos Trust Funds?

  • 17 avril 2018

Here in Ontario we are at the peak of asbestos diseases which are mainly from occupational exposures in decades past. Annually, this includes about 150 mesothelioma and 450 lung cancer cases, with some cases arising from non-occupational exposure such as family members being exposed to asbestos dust from work clothing.

Accidents de travail, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

The New Landscape of PTSD Claims and Return to Work Plans

  • 01 décembre 2016

With the passing of Bill 163, Supporting Ontario’s First Responders Act (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder), 2016, and the WSIB Policy which followed, there is a great deal of interest in PTSD in the compensation community.

Accidents de travail, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

WSIAT Caselaw and Judicial Review Update: Learn the Latest

  • 20 octobre 2016

The law in the area of workplace safety and insurance continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Both the courts and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeal Tribunal have addressed a number of important and complex legal issues this past year.

Accidents de travail, Student Forum

Vidéos archivées

Up Close with the Experts: The 2015 OBA Workplace Safety and Insurance Law Program

  • 26 mai 2015

This hugely popular annual review of current issues and practical strategies features a highly experienced faculty of leading counsel and medical experts who will give you the insights, background and tools you need to provide superior representation for your clients at the WSIB and WSIAT.

Accidents de travail