Articles 2023


Keeping it in the Family

  • 13 juin 2022
  • Fayme K. Hodal

Bill C-208 received Royal Assent on June 29, 2021, and brought amendments to section 84.1 which allows for transfers of qualified small businesses, family farms, and fishing corporations to receive the same tax treatment when transferred between family members, as when the business is sold to an unrelated third party.  From an economic policy perspective, these amendments are positive to say the least.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

FX Straddle Trading Activity Not a Business – FCA Applies The “Pursuit Of Profit” Source Test in Paletta

  • 13 juin 2022
  • Sameer Nurmohamed, Senior Associate, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

On May 17, 2022, the Federal Court of Appeal delivered its decision in HMQ v The Estate of Pasquale Paletta, 2022 FCA 86 which applied the “pursuit of profit” source test in Stewart by ruling that an activity devoted solely to tax avoidance cannot give rise to a source of income in the form of a business under the Income Tax Act (Canada). This is true even if the activity lacks a personal or hobby element and appears to be purely commercial in nature.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Budget 2022: Amping Up CRA’s Enforcement Activities and Targeting Financial Crime

  • 13 juin 2022
  • Jennifer Flood and Greg DelBigio, Q.C., Thorsteinssons LLP

The 2022 Budget shows once again Canada’s ongoing commitment to the investigation and prosecution of financial crime including money laundering and tax evasion, including by injecting substantial funds into expanding the CRA’s audit and enforcement activities.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Taxation of Non-Residents’ Inheritance of Canadian Real Estate

  • 22 avril 2022
  • Birute Luksenaite

The author of this article discusses the implications of taxation of non-residents’ inheritance of Canadian real estate including dealing with Taxable Canadian Property, rental income taxation and the new Underused Housing Tax.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Kingstreet Remedy - A Restrictive Recourse

  • 21 avril 2022
  • Robert G. Kreklewetz & Shahrukh Khowaja

When the government disregards its contractual or settlement obligations, taxpayers who fall short of receiving relief under private law usually pin their hopes on public law (or restitutionary) remedies. However, these are typically a last resort and only available in exceptional circumstances.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Robillard (Estate) c. The Queen: The Uncertainty Surrounding Pipeline

  • 21 avril 2022
  • Julia (Zhuying) Zhuo

In Robillard (Estate) c. The Queen, the Estate of Mr. Robillard implemented a “post-mortem pipeline” strategy. The Minister sought to apply subsection 84(2) of the Income Tax Act. With reluctance, the Tax Court followed the Federal Court of Appeal decision in Canada v. MacDonald and found that subsection 84(2) applied. However, it strongly criticized the FCA’s broad interpretation of subsection 84(2) and indicated that it may be time for the FCA to reconsider its MacDonald decision.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Taking a Direct Approach to Indirect Tax

  • 21 avril 2022
  • Felix Wu

In 2021, I transitioned from practicing primarily in an income tax controversy role to an indirect tax advisory role. This led to many discoveries about the misconceptions surrounding indirect tax laws, regulations and practice. Having evaluated my own assumptions and discussing with mentors and colleagues, here are a list of some considerations when comparing and contrasting income tax to indirect tax.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Taxation of Non-Residents’ Inheritance of Canadian Real Estate

  • 21 avril 2022
  • Birute Luksenaite

In her article, the author discusses tax implications that will accompany a decision of a client, a non-resident in Canada, who chooses to take his inheritance in kind instead of liquid funds: the rollout of Canadian real estate to the non-resident beneficiary under subsection 107(2) of the Income Tax Act (the “ITA”), compliance with section 116 of the ITA, the new underused housing tax, renting Canadian real estate, and land transfer tax.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

The Solo Perspective in Unprecedented Times

  • 12 janvier 2022
  • Janine C.C. Innes

Solo practice brings with it unique rewards and challenges. Throughout the pandemic, we have all persevered through periods of lockdown and the constantly changing Covid restrictions, including work from home orders. Most practitioners have had to adapt to a new way of practicing law and have had a glimpse into the world of a solo practitioner. Some have been left wondering if solo practice might be the right path for them.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Tax Law is About More Than Just Money

  • 12 janvier 2022
  • Matthew Boyd

Tax litigators often look at their careers compared to other lawyers and say “with tax law all that is at stake is money.” On the surface, this appears to be true because tax is about money, unlike criminal law where someone’s freedom can be at issue. However, it is important to acknowledge while tax is about money, it can be more than that to a client and we as tax lawyers need to be prepared for situations where a client’s mental health is at issue.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal