

Complimentary Archived Video

Lawyers on the Move: From Start Up, Expanding to Moving

  • 18 janvier 2018

From proceedings against police stemming from the G20 summit, to lawsuits filed by inmates related to treatment in penitentiaries, there is no shortage of examples of class actions launched against the government and its institutions.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Express Entry: Strategies for Success

  • 17 janvier 2018

Our expert speakers will provide you with top tips for successful express entry applications and advise on pitfalls you should avoid.

Citoyenneté et immigration, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Annual Update on Judicial Review

  • 23 novembre 2017

Join us for our most popular Administrative Law Section event to get up-to-date on the latest in judicial review jurisprudence and trends.

Droit administratif, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Opportunity for Growth: Review of Proposed Cannabis Act

  • 22 novembre 2017

The Cannabis Act, Bill C-45, proposes a strict legal framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis across Canada.

Young Lawyers' Division, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Navigating Drone Use in Media Production

  • 22 novembre 2017

Drones provide extensive and cost-effective opportunities for journalists and producers in film, tv, commercials and more; stay up to date on the latest regulations, emerging issues and potential pitfalls to keep your clients out of trouble.

Droit du divertissement, de l'information et des télécommunications, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video


  • 21 novembre 2017

Are you troubled by the glass ceiling? Do you believe that women and men can effectively excel at the same jobs? Is advancing and retaining women a key part of your business? Do you value the women you work with?

Forum des avocates, Student Forum