

Complimentary Archived Video

Impact and Implications of Ontario’s Temporary Ban on Commercial Evictions

  • 23 juin 2020

Bill 192 amends the Commercial Tenancies Act to prohibit certain actions by landlords if the landlord is or would be eligible to receive assistance from the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses program and has not applied to receive the assistance. 

Droit immobilier, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Recent Family Law Decisions, Court Operations Update and Surviving Vicarious Trauma

  • 23 juin 2020

The OBA is committed to serving the whole lawyer. That is why this event will both get you up to speed on the latest caselaw and court operation updates you need to know, and provide you with critical strategies and insights on dealing with the vicarious trauma that many family lawyers experience as they engage with clients in emotional and trying circumstances.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Capacity for Lawyers: Elder and Corporate Client Matters

  • 17 juin 2020

Corporations act through human actors. When the older adult serves as the principal or agent of a corporation, capacity can affect their duties and trigger problems needing legal resolution.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

The Future of IP Litigation: Virtual Court Processes and What It Means to Your Practice

  • 12 juin 2020

The suspension of in-court matters due to the global pandemic and the courts’ desire to move matters forward, have resulted in the rapid innovation of court processes for IP litigation, including virtual hearings and mediations, e-filing and virtual cross-examinations and discoveries.

Student Forum, Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

Complimentary Archived Video

Insights into Advocacy at the Supreme Court of Canada

  • 12 juin 2020

The OBA YLD East invites you to join us on June 12th to hear from The Honourable Madam Justice Sheilah Martin who will deliver a keynote address to young lawyers. 

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division