

Complimentary Archived Video

Addressing Client Trauma

  • 29 mars 2023

In practice it is important that lawyers be aware of the circumstances of their clients. This includes understanding when a client is dealing with and addressing trauma.

Avocats du secteur public, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Tips for Effective and Responsible Delegation

  • 28 mars 2023

Good delegation skills lead to timely, accurate and cost-efficient legal services and better work-life balance for the skilled delegator.

Gestion de la pratique du droit, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Regional Round-up: Key Updates for Family Proceedings Across Ontario

  • 03 mars 2023

With the ongoing use of the JSO Portal, Caselines and presumptive modes of appearance differing between jurisdictions, what are the key pieces of information you need to know about practicing family law in a particular region?

Droit de la famille, Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Complimentary Archived Video

Insolvency & Arbitration: When Should Arbitration Prevail?

  • 02 mars 2023

Restructuring practitioners see insolvency matters as most effectively resolved in an ‘single proceeding’ model but the Supreme Court of Canada has held that insolvencies don't necessarily trump arbitration.

Droit de l’insolvabilité, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Promoting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Legal Workplaces

  • 28 février 2023

This program discusses some of the steps that law firms and other legal workplaces are taking to promote equity, diversity and inclusion in the field of labour and employment law.

Droit du travail et de l’emploi, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Corporate Law Update

  • 27 février 2023

The Ontario Business Registry (OBR) was launched, while the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (OBCA), the Corporations Information Act (CIA), and other statutes were amended.

Droit des affaires, Student Forum