

Complimentary Archived Video

Technical Tax Updates: International Tax, Graduated Rate Estates, Life Insurance and Charity Issues

  • 03 novembre 2016

It is imperative to remain up to date on developments that could have impact on your clients. Join your colleagues to hear about updates on technical topics, including amendments to international tax regulations, new rules with regard to graduated rate estates and updates related to administration rules and penalties for charities in a tax context.

Droit fiscal, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Critical Strategies for Advising Start-Ups: Collaboration Between Entrepreneurs, Business and IP Counsel

  • 02 novembre 2016

Innovative and emerging start-ups need critical legal advice that not only protects their interests, but also fits with their often limited budgets. Whether establishing a brand, or developing a technology or product, intellectual property protections are often essential given the potential value of these assets in the future if the business succeeds.

Droit des affaires, Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Exploring Provincial and Municipal Delegation of Authority

  • 21 octobre 2016

Provincial statutes confer significant and various powers, duties and functions on Minsters of the Crown. The Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes municipalities to delegate powers and duties under that and other Acts.

Avocats du secteur public, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

WSIAT Caselaw and Judicial Review Update: Learn the Latest

  • 20 octobre 2016

The law in the area of workplace safety and insurance continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Both the courts and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeal Tribunal have addressed a number of important and complex legal issues this past year.

Accidents de travail, Student Forum