

Nothing But The Truth – A Memoir (Book Review)

  • 14 janvier 2022
  • Amrita V. Singh

I didn’t “know” much about Marie Henein as a person before reading this memoir, beyond her reputation for a strong work ethic, keen sense of justice, and love of glitter. So, I was surprised to learn as I read the book that she wasn’t that different from me, and very possibly also you.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum

Committing to Settlement Work: Dropping the "A" from ADR

  • 13 janvier 2022
  • Ryan Osbourne

Ryan Osbourne, a collaborative family lawyer and mediator, discusses how his approach to thinking of settlement first in family law cases is part of a growing trend away from the courts.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum

The Solo Perspective in Unprecedented Times

  • 12 janvier 2022
  • Janine C.C. Innes

Solo practice brings with it unique rewards and challenges. Throughout the pandemic, we have all persevered through periods of lockdown and the constantly changing Covid restrictions, including work from home orders. Most practitioners have had to adapt to a new way of practicing law and have had a glimpse into the world of a solo practitioner. Some have been left wondering if solo practice might be the right path for them.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Tax Law is About More Than Just Money

  • 12 janvier 2022
  • Matthew Boyd

Tax litigators often look at their careers compared to other lawyers and say “with tax law all that is at stake is money.” On the surface, this appears to be true because tax is about money, unlike criminal law where someone’s freedom can be at issue. However, it is important to acknowledge while tax is about money, it can be more than that to a client and we as tax lawyers need to be prepared for situations where a client’s mental health is at issue.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Canada’s New Digital Services Tax: Updates and Comments

  • 12 janvier 2022
  • Ravish Gupta

On December 14th, 2021, the Department of Finance released draft legislation for the Digital Services Tax Act (Act) alongside the Economic and Fiscal Update 2021. The Act imposes a digital services tax (DST) of 3% on annual revenues from large businesses providing certain digital services. The DST is slated to apply to certain revenues earned as of January 1st, 2022, but businesses will not be liable for the tax earlier than January 1st, 2024.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Alta Energy: Implications for the Principal Purpose Test

  • 12 janvier 2022
  • Seth Lim

On November 26, 2021, the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) rendered its judgment in Canada v. Alta Energy Luxembourg S.A.R.L., 2021 SCC 49. In a 6-to-3 majority decision, the SCC upheld the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”), finding that the general anti-avoidance rule (the “GAAR”) did not apply to an alleged “treaty shopping” arrangement undertaken by the taxpayer.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Loblaw Financial Holdings Inc. Wins at SCC

  • 12 janvier 2022
  • Prince S. Arora

Supreme Court of Canada unanimously rules that Loblaw Financial Holdings Inc. was entitled to benefit from the “financial institution” exception in the “foreign accrual property income” tax rules.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Planning for Drones: Land Use Planning in Ontario

  • 10 janvier 2022
  • Katryna Vergis-Mayo, Dentons Canada LLP

Provincial and municipal planning policy can overlap with or complement the federal aeronautics regulatory regime. Drones are particularly vulnerable to this overlap due to their relative proximity to the public realm. Drone industry stakeholders need to be cognizant of appropriate land use planning policy.

Droit municipal, Student Forum

Inclusionary Zoning Framework Approved in Toronto

  • 10 janvier 2022
  • Pitman Patterson, Lee English, Isaac Tang, Adam Shipowick, BLG

On November 9, 2021 the City of Toronto approved Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments as well as draft Implementation Guidelines introducing Inclusionary Zoning requirements. These requirements will make Inclusionary Zoning mandatory for new developments that meet certain criteria in approved Protected Major Transit Stations Areas (PMTSA) to include affordable rental and ownership housing units beginning in late 2022.

Droit municipal, Student Forum