

ONCA Gives Courts Right to Review Election or Appointment of Director

  • 17 avril 2024
  • Jennifer Leddy, partner, Carters

The case of Metmeke v Yigzaw is an interesting case about the authority given to a court under the ONCA to review the election or appointment of a director. In this case, a contested election for a church’s board of directors spiraled out of control, leading to a motion to overturn the results of that election.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif, Student Forum
head-shot photo of author Robert Richler

Dufault Case Finds New Faults with Termination Provisions

  • 17 avril 2024
  • Robert Richler

A recent case underscoring the importance of ensuring termination clauses adhere to ESA minimum requirements and the need for employers to carefully consider whether to use fixed-terms when hiring employees.

Droit du travail et de l’emploi, Student Forum

Saskatchewan’s Proposed Comprehensive Franchise Legislation

  • 12 avril 2024
  • Madison Black, associate, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

This article summarizes and reviews Saskatchewan's Bill 149 The Franchise Disclosure Act, which was introduced in the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan on November 9, 2023 and underwent its second reading on March 4, 2024. The author points out some notable features of the Bill in relation to the enacted franchise legislation in other provinces of Canada.

Droit des franchises, Student Forum

Race with the Machine: A Review of Online Dispute Resolution by Colm Brannigan and Marc Bhalla

  • 12 avril 2024
  • Matthew Gordon

A review by Matthew Gordon, a Toronto-based litigator with experience resolving civil, administrative, labour, employment and constitutional disputes and the sitting Chair of the Ontario Bar Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution section, of Online Dispute Resolution by Colm Brannigan and Marc Bhalla.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum

Franchise Law Primer: Ontario’s Resale Exemption

  • 12 avril 2024
  • Ryan McCabe, associate, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

This article considers the so-called "resale exemption" from the requirement in Ontario's Arthur Wishart Act (Franchise Disclosure) that the franchisor make disclosure to a prospective franchisee. After examining the leading judicial cases relating to the resale exemption, the author demonstrates that the scope of the exemption is construed narrowly.

Droit des franchises, Student Forum