Articles 2025

photo of author Neha Chugh

You are Enough

  • 29 novembre 2022
  • Neha Chugh

Neha Chugh is a lawyer based in Cornwall, Ontario who has spent most of her career advocating for social and legal change. She has a community-focussed legal aid practice that gives a voice to the most vulnerable populations. In Neha’s own words: “Remember how valued you are by your community and how much positive change you can effect through your service. I leave my Catzman Award acceptance speech with you as encouragement for the good days, the hard days, the easy days, the challenging days.”

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

Seven Survival Guide Lessons from a Former Chief Privacy Officer

  • 26 novembre 2022
  • Roland Hung (Torkin Manes LLP)

Having gained substantial leadership experience as a privacy officer, what follows in this article is the perspective the author gained in these unique and essential roles. Each mandate, while quite different in practice, harvested similar lessons that I believe every practitioner working in the privacy sector should adopt to maximize their effectiveness within their organization. The following are seven key lessons every privacy officer or practitioner should know.

Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Student Forum

Our Access to Justice Crisis Needs Solutions: Could Med-Arb Be An Answer?

  • 25 novembre 2022
  • Ryan A. Murray

The Ontario civil justice system faces an unprecedented crisis. Our constitution mandates that criminal cases must be addressed within a particular timeframe. Family cases, which often feature child access and other time-sensitive issues, tend to have the next level of priority. This leaves civil lawsuits, including many personal injury lawsuits, to linger for years without resolution.

Droit des assurances, Student Forum
Photo of Robin Seligman

Executive Profiles: Introducing Robin Seligman

  • 23 novembre 2022
  • Angela Ogang, Newsletter Editor, OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section

Here at the OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section, we are proud of our volunteers and we are constantly looking for ways to highlight their work and achievements. Read on to find out more about Robin Seligman, who served as Chair of the Section from 1999 to 2002 and again from 2021 to 2022!

Citoyenneté et immigration, Student Forum

Employment Mediation in the Age of ZOOM

  • 23 novembre 2022
  • Barry Fisher

Employment mediations have gone virtual. What does that mean for the parties, for counsel, for the mediator, and for the future of the profession? Here are 20 key points about where Zoom is taking the practice of employment mediation.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum