Articles 2025

photo of DALL-E Demo: An output generated by the input, “teddy bears shopping for groceries in ancient Egypt

Case Study: Contracting Terms of Use for AI-Generated Art Using DALL-E

  • 06 décembre 2022
  • Abby Benattar, WeirFoulds LLP

There is a popular saying that goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In recent years, a group of engineers in California have revolutionized this expression with their innovation of DALL-E and its successor, DALLE-2. This article describes DALL-E and some core contracting considerations for lawyers advising clients who leverage the technology.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

The Exclusion of Intrusion Upon Seclusion: Ontario Court of Appeal definitively determines that “Database Defendants” cannot be held liable for intrusions committed by third-party hackers

  • 06 décembre 2022
  • Lyndsay Wasser, Mitch Koczerginski (McMillan LLP)

The Court of Appeal for Ontario recently considered and definitively determined the issue of whether organizations that collect and store personal information about individuals for commercial purposes can be held liable for the tort of “intrusion upon seclusion” if they fail to take adequate steps to protect the information from third-party “hackers”.

Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Student Forum
photo of Sajjad Malik

Executive Profiles: Introducing Sajjad Malik

  • 06 décembre 2022
  • Angela Ogang, Newsletter Editor, OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section

Here at the OBA Citizenship & Immigration Law Section, we are proud of our volunteers and we are constantly looking for ways to highlight their work and achievements. Read on to find out how our section's Vice-Chair, Sajjad Malik, managed to leverage his past experiences as a corporate affairs professional, civil servant, tax professional, business consultant and international lawyer in the Canadian immigration space.

Citoyenneté et immigration, Student Forum
head-shot photo of author Jill Lewis

Reviewing your First Severance Package

  • 02 décembre 2022
  • Jill Lewis, employment lawyer at Nelligan Law

Understanding severance packages is not only beneficial for those lawyers practicing specifically in employment and labour law, but to all litigators. In this article, Jill Lewis breaks down what to look out for when a severance package comes across your desk.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division
photo of author Vanessa Carment

Drafting a Binding Commercial Lease: The Basics

  • 02 décembre 2022
  • Vanessa Carment, real estate lawyer at Soloway Wright LLP

In this article, Vanessa Carment sets out the basic terms and conditions that must be included in every commercial lease for the agreement to be enforceable.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

4 Tips for a Successful Transition from Law School to Articling

  • 02 décembre 2022
  • Nehmat Bedar, judicial law clerk at the Ontario Superior Court (East Region) interested in criminal law

Going from law school to articling is a big, but important, step in most new lawyers' careers. In this article, Nehmet Bedar sets out small ways that can help you go from the classroom to practice with ease.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division
photo of author Alison Boyce

Do Biological Ties Matter Anymore in Today’s Modern Family?

  • 01 décembre 2022
  • Alison Boyce

For many years, the court’s default position has been that it is in the best interests of the child to remain with their biological parents. However, more and more cases are being released which question this assumption. The Canadian family has become more complex and quite diverse over the past few years, and the courts are beginning to recognize that the nuclear family is no longer the only option.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum
photo of Justice Sherr

Justice Sherr's Acceptance Speech for the Award for Excellence in Family Law in Memory of James G. McLeod

  • 01 décembre 2022
  • The Honourable Justice Stanley B. Sherr

Innovations from the family law community, hurdles overcome during the pandemic, and what remains to be accomplished – the Honourable Justice Stanley B. Sherr’s speech says it all. His Honour was presented with the 2020 Award for Excellence in Family Law in Memory of James McLeod at the 2022 OBA Family Law Section dinner, and his speech inspires us all to be better to ourselves, be better to others, and to take times of adversity and turn them into opportunities to improve the family law system.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum