Articles 2025

Crisis Management Bulletin: Construction Contracts and COVID-19

Crisis Management Bulletin: Construction Contracts and COVID-19

  • 06 avril 2020
  • Andrew J. Heal, J.D., LL.M., Heal & Co. LLP

This short legal bulletin raises some of the key legal considerations in managing the rapidly evolving impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in our construction industry. It also urges all of us to take a collective deep breath, and pause, to work together to continue economic activities vital to the health of our nation.

Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Student Forum
Staying the Enforcement of an Adjudicator’s Award: Will Ontario Follow the U.K. Test?

Staying the Enforcement of an Adjudicator’s Award: Will Ontario Follow the U.K. Test?

  • 06 avril 2020
  • Damon Stoddard, Heal & Co. LLP

Over the past year, many articles have been written about the availability of adjudication. One author aptly wrote that “the legislation does not specifically refer to the proper invoice as the foundation of adjudication … as a result, the jurisdiction is arguably broader than originally envisioned [and] most common disputes arising on a construction project will likely fall within one or more of the listed matters, making adjudication widely available."

Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Student Forum

How Do Suppliers Fit Within the New Prompt Payment Regime?

  • 06 avril 2020
  • Jackie van Leeuwen, student-at-law at Glaholt Bowles LLP, Andrea Lee, Partner at Glaholt Bowles LLP,

The lag between a subcontractor completing its work on a project and the subcontractor being paid has been a longstanding source of tension in the construction industry. In the past, subcontractors typically had to wait for the contractor to be paid by the owner before money would flow down to them and, even then, there was no guarantee that they would be paid within weeks or even months of completing work on a project.

Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Student Forum

Where the Restructuring Meets the Road: the Intersection Between Insolvency Proceedings and Construction Law

  • 06 avril 2020
  • Jeffrey Levine, Nicole Rozario

This article considers three key issues at the intersection of construction and insolvency law: (1) the “stay of proceedings;” (2) the operation of the Construction Act trust provisions in an insolvency context; and (3) the treatment of suppliers critical to the restructuring of a construction business.

Droit de l’insolvabilité, Student Forum

Lawyers’ Checklist: Checking for Indicators of Undue Influence During Virtual/Digital (Video) Meetings

  • 06 avril 2020
  • Kimberly A. Whaley, Whaley Estate Litigation Partners

Undue influence can be difficult to detect in a regular face-to-face client meeting. Detecting such influences through video conferencing may be even more challenging. It is therefore important to adapt to current norms and develop processes and steps to help determine if undue influence is at play in all situations. Following is a helpful checklist fo use during virtual/digital meetings or video conference calls with clients or potential clients.

Elder Law, Student Forum

5 questions pour préserver l’intégrité déontologique de votre pratique

  • 02 avril 2020
  • Shawn Erker

Sans une vigilance et un soin constant, les avocats peuvent involontairement miner les intérêts de leurs clients ou se trouver dans un dilemme déontologique ou en conflit d’intérêts. Shawn Erker suggère cinq questions essentielles à se poser avant d’entreprendre tout travail juridique.

Gestion de la pratique du droit, Student Forum

Helpful Limitation Period Resources

  • 02 avril 2020
  • Debra Rolph

Summary and links to helpful limitation period resources provided by LAWPRO.

Gestion de la pratique du droit, Student Forum