Articles 2025

Brock Jones

Q&A with Brock Jones, OBA Award of Excellence in Criminal Justice Recipient

  • 14 mai 2020

Brock Jones, Assistant Crown Attorney for the Scarborough Crown Attorney's Office, is being honoured this year with the OBA Award of Excellence in Criminal Justice for his outstanding leadership and contribution to the advancement of criminal law. Gain a glimpse of what motivates him and how he is making a difference in his area of practice in this candid Q&A.

Justice pénale, Student Forum

Fit for Rescission?

  • 13 mai 2020
  • Jennifer Pocock, Sakshi Pachisia, and David Kornhauser

In Raibex the Ontario Court of Appeal narrowed the availability of rescission for franchisees, stating that the availability of rescission under s. 6(2) of the Arthur Wishart Act was dependent on whether the franchisee was effectively deprived of the opportunity to make an “informed investment decision”. The recent decision of 2483038 Ontario Inc. v. 2082100 Ontario Inc. provided clarification on this issue and on who might constitute a franchisor’s associate pursuant to the Act.   

Droit des franchises, Student Forum
Think Differently, Think Inclusively, Think GBA+

Think Differently, Think Inclusively, Think GBA+

  • 13 mai 2020
  • Zack Shaver, counsel at the Canadian International Trade Tribunal

If you work outside of government, the term GBA+ probably doesn’t mean very much to you. The term Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) isn’t much of a giveaway either. Analysing gender? Plus? Plus what? Contrary to first impressions, however, GBA+ is a pretty powerful analytical tool that can help shed light on our blind spots and help us to think about problems and solutions differently.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

When is an Ontario Lawyer a “Lobbyist”? - Ontario Lawyers who Lobby are Required to Publicly Disclose their Lobbying Activities

  • 12 mai 2020
  • Kyle M. Morrow, Fasken

The role of a lawyer is rapidly changing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Increasingly, lawyers are being asked to not only interpret laws, but to also advocate for changes to laws. Lawyers who engage in this sort of advocacy should be aware of their obligations under the Ontario Lobbyists Registration Act (“Act”).

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Post-COVID Courts: This Young Lawyer’s Wishlist

  • 12 mai 2020
  • David Danielson, partner at Danielson Kabesh Law, PC

I like to think I have a unique perspective on our court system as the result of three things: (1) I was called to the bar just last year (2019); (2) I started a law firm partnership right after my call; and (3) my fledgling post-call business venture happened to coincide with one of the most serious pandemics in recent memory.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

The Retrain of my Brain - A Sole Practitioner’s Reflections on Practising Family Law at Home During a Global Pandemic

  • 12 mai 2020
  • Ceilidh Henderson, family lawyer

The quick adaptations were easy. I learned how to set up Zoom video conferencing, subscribed to Docusign, and bought ink cartridges for my printer. I made a long list of practice management tasks that I always want to get done but never find the time. The list was actually called, “My to Accomplish During COVID-19 List”.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Covid-19: The legal fall-out

  • 07 mai 2020
  • Divya Shahani

With production across North America grinding to a halt, what are the key legal issues emerging from the coronavirus pandemic?

Droit du divertissement, de l'information et des télécommunications, Student Forum