Articles 2025


Understanding the WSIAT’s Unique Privacy Obligations: Toronto Star v. AG Ontario, 2018 ONSC 2586

  • 06 juillet 2020
  • Michelle Alton, WSIAT General Counsel

In Toronto Star v. AG Ontario, 2018 ONSC 2586, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice held that it was contrary to the Charter to apply the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to adjudicative documents of administrative tribunals. This article reviews the Superior Court's decision, the subsequent enactment of the Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, and privacy obligations specific to the WSIAT.

Student Forum, Accidents de travail

Vavilov in the WSIAT Context

  • 06 juillet 2020
  • Michelle Alton, WSIAT General Counsel, and Ana Rodriguez Garcia, WSIAT Tribunal Counsel Office Lawyer

In 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada overhauled the established framework for determining the appropriate standard of judicial review. A reasonableness standard is now the presumptive standard. This article discusses both the new standard of review framework and the recent decision in Radzevicius v. Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal, wherein the new framework was applied to a WSIAT decision for the first time.

Student Forum, Accidents de travail

Brown Bag Lunch – May 19, 2020

  • 03 juillet 2020
  • Rebecca Rauws, associate, and 
Devin McMurtry, articling student, Hull & Hull LLP

The May meeting of the Brown Bag Lunchers continued to focus on pandemic-related topics, including concerns regarding remotely executed Wills, best practices for execution, and practical difficulties dealing with banks. Participants also considered the recent and surprising case of Calmusky v. Calmusky, in which the court applied Pecore principles to a RIF beneficiary designation.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Brown Bag Lunch - April 21, 2020

  • 30 juin 2020
  • Rebecca Rauws, associate, and Celine Dookie, articling student, Hull & Hull LLP

At the April 2020 Brown Bag Lunch meeting, attendees discussed recent case law on the possible "carry over" of beneficiary designations when one investment is automatically converted to another, the ongoing state of emergency, and their practices and preferred technology for remote execution of Wills, among other topics.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions
Ne pas craindre la controverse: une entrevue avec Doug Elliott

Ne pas craindre la controverse: une entrevue avec Doug Elliott

  • 27 juin 2020
  • Teddy Weinstein

Dans ce deuxième article d’une série célébrant le 25e anniversaire de la Section sur l’orientation et l’identité sexuelles (SOGIC), Douglas Elliott, l’un de ses premiers coprésidents, parle du rôle qu’il a joué dans la production d’un changement durable dans la lutte pour l’égalité, du temps qu’il a passé sur le rapport de l’ABO sur le sida jusqu’au vote décisif qui, à Mont-Tremblant, a créé la section nationale de la SOGIC.

Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum
The Power of a Resilient and Creative Mind: how to transform COVID-19 into a positive outcome

The Power of a Resilient and Creative Mind: how to transform COVID-19 into a positive outcome

  • 26 juin 2020
  • Delara Emami

Why resilience as a topic? I have read countless articles on mental well-being and the power and importance of being resilient. Resilience is a very sought after trait in all professions, particularly in the legal profession where we are constantly dealing with important decisions, challenges and obstacles put before us by our clients, our colleagues and our peers, while also managing our personal lives.

Droit international, Student Forum
Jennifer Chan

The Case for Ongoing Loss of Earnings After Termination: A Summary of WSIAT Decision No. 233/20

  • 26 juin 2020
  • Jennifer Chan

What happens when a worker has been dismissed for cause after they return to work following a compensable workplace accident? In Decision No. 233/20, the WSIAT adopts a contextual approach to addressing this issue and adjudicating post-termination entitlement to loss of earnings (LOE) benefits. In turn, the decision signals at further issue overlap between the jurisdictions of workers’ compensation agencies and the civil courts.

Student Forum, Accidents de travail

Ontario Government to Launch COVID Alert, a Contact Tracing App, in July

  • 26 juin 2020
  • Jennifer McKenzie, Amanda Branch and Raffi Dergalstanian

The Ontario government is championing the "privacy-first" approach that was used in developing COVID Alert, which will be the first government-backed digital contact tracing app to be rolled out in Canada.

Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Student Forum