Articles 2025


Court of Appeal Summaries (August 24 – 28, 2020)

  • 08 septembre 2020
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Please find below our summaries of the civil decisions released by the Court of Appeal for Ontario during the week of August 24 to 28, 2020. There was a plethora of decisions released.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Revised Filing Direction for Estates and Commercial List Matters

  • 26 août 2020
  • Commercial/Estates List, Toronto Superior Court

Effective immediately, Estates and Commercial List filings should be completed through the Civil Submissions Online portal, which has been expanded to accept applications. This direction from the court provides guidance on the process for submission.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Team Allyship: Collaboration That Includes the Whole Group

  • 24 août 2020
  • Barbara De Dios, Corporate Counsel at Canadian Dental Services Corporation

Facilitating change to our organization’s governance, management structure, policy and even social practices to remove unconscious and legitimized bias requires the work of multiple people, such as the Encourager, the Leader and the Mentor, among others with parallel objectives.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum
The Dependent Contractor Test – What is the “True Substance” of the Relationship?

The Dependent Contractor Test – What is the “True Substance” of the Relationship?

  • 31 juillet 2020
  • Vanessa Glasser, counsel, Ministry of the Attorney General, Crown Law Office Civil, and Vincent Rocheleau, associate, Blaney McMurtry LLP

In the past three years, the Ontario appellate courts released four appellate decisions affirming and clarifying the test to determine whether a worker is a dependent contractor. Thurston v. Ontario (Children’s Lawyer) is the third of four post-McKee appellate court decisions that counsel should consider when advising clients regarding contracts and termination in employment matters.

Droit du travail et de l’emploi, Student Forum
ROE, ROE, ROE Your Boat! A Refresher On the Ins and Outs of ROEs

ROE, ROE, ROE Your Boat! A Refresher On the Ins and Outs of ROEs

  • 30 juillet 2020
  • Adrian Ishak, Senior Corporate Counsel, Salesforce

A subject often considered by our clients, a subject never considered in any detail by lawyers. With the recent pandemonium in the workplace wrought by the pandemic, the institution of the CERB, the extension of the CERB, the delay in EI benefits as a result, and the impact on so many employers and employees, have all resulted in more attention being given to this usually innocuous document

Droit du travail et de l’emploi, Student Forum