Articles 2024


Book Drive: CBSA Detention Centre Initiative

  • 28 janvier 2019
  • Maryana Viguiliouk, Barrister and Solicitor

The OBA Citizenship and Immigration Section Executive's holiday initiative saw books donated to the Rexdale Immigration Detention Centre.

Citoyenneté et immigration, Student Forum

The Rise and Fall of the Visa Officer Interview

  • 28 janvier 2019
  • M. Max Chaudhary, Barrister, Chaudhary Law Office

A brief overview of the history of the personal interview for economic applicants for permanent residence and its impact on decision making and procedural fairness.

Citoyenneté et immigration, Student Forum

Brown Bag Lunch – January 15, 2019

  • 24 janvier 2019
  • Noah Weisberg and Chris Cieslik (articling student), Hull & Hull LLP

Highlights from the January 15, 2019 Brown Bag Lunch, including a discussion on filing Estate Information Returns, taxation of estate trustee compensation and the proposed changes to the Ontario Pension Benefits Act.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Blaney's Appeals: Ontario Court of Appeal Summaries (January 14 – 18, 2019)

  • 23 janvier 2019
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are summaries of the civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario this past week. The Court released a number of decisions this week, including an important pronouncement on Construction Act trusts, and the ability of the provincial legislature to establish trust certainties, in The Guarantee Company of Canada v Royal Bank of Canada, 2019 ONCA 9.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Recent Taxpayer GAAR Victories

  • 21 janvier 2019
  • Gloria Wang

The author discusses two recent Tax Court of Canada cases considering the application of the general anti-avoidance rule, from which the taxpayers emerged victorious for various reasons.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal