Articles 2024


Ontario Court of Appeal: “Monetary Award” Grounding Payment of Class Action Contingency Fee Includes More than Money Distributed to Class Members

  • 25 février 2019
  • Ian Matthews

In Jeffrey v. London Life, the Ontario Court of Appeal held that when a class action results in a monetary award that benefits class members – even if they have no “right” to that award – class counsel’s contingency fee may charged against and paid from that award.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Blaney's Appeals: Ontario Court of Appeal Summaries (February 11 – 15, 2019)

  • 24 février 2019
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Topics covered this week included wills and estates (capacity and undue influence), insurance coverage in the MVA context where there was a question of intentional acts as opposed to mere negligence, and the familiar issue of whether an order is final or interlocutory for appeal purposes.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Privacy Commissioner’s Consent Guidelines Come Into Force

  • 24 février 2019
  • Imran Ahmad, Wendy Mee, and Amir Eftekharpour

How can organizations ensure that they are obtaining meaningful consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information? The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada weighs in with a guidance document outlining guiding principles and a checklist of "Must-do" and "Should-do" items.

Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Student Forum

Provide your Input on the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002

  • 20 février 2019
  • Don Perry, Perry Law

The Ontario government is seeking input on proposed changes to the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002, and an anonymous survey is available for anyone to provide their input anonymously by March 15, 2019.

Droit immobilier, Student Forum

Smart Contracts: Key Legal Considerations

  • 20 février 2019
  • Imran Ahmad, Joe Abdul-Massih and Katherine Barbacki, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Of the numerous existing and potential blockchain applications, the most advanced and promising one remains smart contracts. However, as blockchain technology becomes more widespread, important legal concerns with respect to cybersecurity, privacy, and contract law have come to light. This article discusses these concerns and implications.

Student Forum, Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

Corporations Beware: Where Is Your Updated Land “Ownership” Register?

  • 17 février 2019
  • H.J. Blake, Q.C.

The Ontario Business Corporations Act requires corporations to maintain an updated register of the corporation’s ownership interest in land in Ontario at its registered office. This article discusses the information that must be identified in the register and possible penalties of non-compliance with this requirement.

Droit des affaires, Student Forum

CP Food: U.S. District Court Finds No Coverage Under Crime Policy for Insured’s Vicarious Liability for Theft of Customers’ Funds

  • 17 février 2019
  • David S. Wilson, Chris McKibbin and Stuart Woody

In the recent decision of CP Food & Beverage, Inc. v. United States Fire Insurance Company, the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada held that coverage was not available under a crime policy where the insured’s employees had defrauded the insured’s customers through misuse of customer credit cards. 

Droit des assurances, Student Forum