Articles 2023


Carriage Test Under New s. 13.1 of CPA - Ontario Court Highlights Efficiency in Weighing Competing Class Actions

  • 06 février 2022
  • Michelle Logasov, Sotos LLP

Efficiency and cost effectiveness are key considerations under the new carriage test in s. 13.1 of the Class Proceedings Act, according to a recent decision of Justice Perell in Bonnick v. Simply Group. Justice Perell’s decision makes it clear that the new provision is a significant departure from the common law test on carriage, and emphasizes factors of efficiency, proportionality and the cost-effectiveness of the proceeding as key determinants for carriage going forward.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Conducting Virtual Examinations

  • 04 février 2022
  • Katherine Di Tomaso

The progress made over the pandemic to use technology to make the civil legal system more efficient, affordable, and accessible shall hopefully continue.  This article will set out benefits and drawbacks of virtual examinations for discovery, draw the reader’s attention to four decisions dealing with virtual examinations, provide key takeaways from these decisions, and share resources to assist in conducting a virtual examination.

Droit des assurances, Student Forum

What's New in Pension and Benefits – Winter 2022

  • 04 février 2022
  • Michael Long and Evan Shapiro, WTW

The latest in Ontario and Federal pension legislation, regulatory policy and case law.

Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux, Student Forum
Business Development Tips for Junior Lawyers

Business Development Tips for Junior Lawyers

  • 03 février 2022
  • Zara Wong

It's never too early to think about developing your own client and referral bases as a junior lawyer. Read on to find out how you can expand your business network and some of the non-traditional ways to do so.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

“Firmly” Situated: Reflections on moving into firm practice

  • 03 février 2022
  • James McCarthy - Cunningham Swan LLP

For newly called lawyers moving from non–firm articling to practicing at a firm, the transition can be a big one. Having made this leap, from articling as a clerk to working in both a small and medium–sized firm, the author provides some reflections on a few of the aspect of day-to-day practice that can look very different in a firm as opposed to other types of practice.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

A Primer on the Enforceability of Commercial Leases

  • 02 février 2022
  • Vanessa Carment, associate at Soloway Wright LLP

As the pandemic continues to change everyday life, the commercial leasing landscape has changed along with it. However, some things that have not changed are the key provisions that must be included in a commercial lease This Article looks at some of these provisions that must be included to have an enforceable lease.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

To Reply or Not to Reply? The Call for an Automatic Right to File a Reply Factum in Prism Resources Inc. v. Detour Gold Corporation, 2022 ONCA 4

  • 02 février 2022
  • Nancy Sarmento Barkhordari

The recent decision of Justice Brown in Prism Resources Inc. v. Detour Gold Corporation, 2022 ONCA 4, discusses the foundational role of written advocacy in appeals, illustrates the many legitimate reasons why an appellant might want to file a reply factum, and offers an excellent viewpoint for an automatic right to file a brief reply.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Northern Regional Health Authority v. Horrocks: Supreme Court Upholds Status Quo on Appellate Standard of Review for First Instance’s Court Standard of Review Analysis

  • 02 février 2022
  • Mina Karabit

In November 2021, the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in Northern Regional Health Authority v. Horrocks. The decision upholds the status quo established in Agraira v. Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness) (an earlier Supreme Court decision) regarding the applicable appellate standard of review when the first instance court is tasked with determining the applicable standard of review.

Droit administratif, Student Forum