Articles 2023


How a Home Construction Case Impacts on Professional Regulation in Healthcare

  • 24 avril 2024
  • Anne Marshall and John McIntyre, McIntyre Szabo PC

This article is an update for health lawyers on the recent Divisional Court case in Yarco Developments Inc. v. Home Construction Regulatory Authority (Registrar) 2024 ONSC 93. It may seem odd to you at first glance that an article about a home construction case is being included in the OBA Health Law Newsletter. But trust us, it is directly relevant to the practice of health law, particularly on professional regulation and registration matters.

Droit relatif à la santé, Student Forum

R. v. Greater Sudbury (City) and the Defence of Due Diligence

  • 23 avril 2024
  • Catherine DiMarco and Andy Balaura, Pallett Valo LLP

On November 10, 2023, the Supreme Court of Canada rendered its much-anticipated decision in the matter of R. v. Greater Sudbury (City). The decision is noteworthy in its expanding, in a significant way, the health and safety obligations of an “owner” of a construction project under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. O.1.

Droit de la construction et infrastructure, Student Forum

Common Law Environmental Remediation Claims Not Entitled to Super Priority Over Secured Creditors

  • 23 avril 2024
  • Diana Weir, of counsel

On April 8, 2024, the Alberta Court of Appeal released its decision in the appeal of Qualex-Landmark Towers Inc v 12-10 Capital Corp. The Court of Appeal’s decision clarifies that the super priority of environmental remedial obligations recognized in Orphan Well Association v Grant Thornton Ltd, does not apply to private litigants, alleviating significant uncertainty for secured lenders.

Droit de l’environnement, Student Forum

What Was Old is New Again: Proposed Changes under the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024

  • 19 avril 2024
  • Peter Voltsinis, Matt Reiner, Jennifer Evola, Signe Leisk

On April 10, 2024, the Ontario government (the “Province”) introduced Bill 185: Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (“Bill 185”), which simultaneously reintroduces and repeals prior changes to the planning and development regime in Ontario. This article provides a brief overview of these proposed legislative changes as it relates to planning and development.

Droit municipal, Student Forum

Where One Door Opens, Another Stays Open: Parallel Statutory Rights of Appeal and Judicial Reviews in Yatar v TD Insurance Meloche Monnex

  • 19 avril 2024
  • Alexander Evangelista

The Supreme Court of Canada recently released its anticipated decision in Yatar v. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, providing its latest substantial commentary on judicial review in Canada. In the face of recent pronouncements about the importance of upholding judicial economy and avoiding multiplicities of proceedings, the Court endorsed the opportunity for parties to proceed with parallel statutory rights of appeal and judicial review.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Proposed Amendments to Ontario’s Excess Soil Laws

  • 19 avril 2024
  • Matthew Gardner, Partner at Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP

On October 17, 2023, Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (“MECP”) posted proposed regulatory amendments to Ontario Regulation 406/19 - On-Site and Excess Soil Management (“O. Reg. 406/19”) and the Rules for Soil Management and Excess Soil Quality Standards (“Soil Rules”) on the Environmental Registry of Ontario.

Droit immobilier, Student Forum

How to Ensure you Have Secure Funds

  • 19 avril 2024
  • Ray Leclair, VP, Public Affairs at LAWPRO

1. For funds to be truly irrevocable, you need a PCRN. Anything else is a risk. 2. “On-Us” funds (e.g. when the payee and the payor are at different branches of the same financial institution) are safe and you can proceed. 3. Just because a bank releases your funds – even after a hold period – does not make it real money – you should try to get confirmation that the funds are irrevocable.

Droit immobilier, Student Forum
head-shot photo of author Yicheng Ru

Adapting Australian Labour Law Innovations: Lessons for Ontario from the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act 2022

  • 18 avril 2024
  • Yicheng Ru, JD candidate, University of Ottawa

The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act in Ontario and the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act in Australia aim to bolster labour standards and safeguard workers. Australia's amendment strengthens flexible work rights and dispute resolution, addressing work-life balance, gender equity and legal protection. Ontario can learn from Australia's reforms to improve its own labour laws.

Student Forum

ONCA Gives Courts Right to Review Election or Appointment of Director

  • 17 avril 2024
  • Jennifer Leddy, partner, Carters

The case of Metmeke v Yigzaw is an interesting case about the authority given to a court under the ONCA to review the election or appointment of a director. In this case, a contested election for a church’s board of directors spiraled out of control, leading to a motion to overturn the results of that election.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif, Student Forum