Articles 2023


Brown Bag Lunch – October 16, 2018

  • 29 octobre 2018
  • Noah Weisberg and Chris Cieslik, Hull & Hull LLP

Highlights from the October 16, 2018 Brown Bag Lunch including a discussion about the effect of the Re Milne decision for estate solicitors, the rule of convenience in Rivard v. Morris, conflict of laws surrounding marriage and wills, cross-border payments to beneficiaries and digital asset clauses in Wills.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Want to be an Entertainment Lawyer? Join the OBA!

  • 26 octobre 2018
  • Roger Angus

A third-year law student shares some helpful advice on how to break into the entertainment law industry.

Droit du divertissement, de l'information et des télécommunications, Student Forum

Diminished Ability to Communicate? Or, Diminished Decisional Capacity?

  • 25 octobre 2018
  • Kimberly A. Whaley, Whaley Estate Litigation Partners

Mills v Radons, 2018 SKQB 237 (CanLII), a recent case from Saskatchewan, looks at whether a husband had the requisite decisional capacity to instruct his counsel in divorce proceedings and whether his intention was to seek a divorce and spousal support.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Why You Should Avoid Acting for Family and Friends

  • 24 octobre 2018
  • Ian Hu, counsel, claims prevention & practicePRO (LawPRO)

An eye-opening example followed by a round-up of reasons not to act for family and friends. The one about malpractice insurance is especially jarring.

Gestion de la pratique du droit, Student Forum

Blaney's Appeals: Ontario Court of Appeal Summaries (October 15 – 19, 2018)

  • 22 octobre 2018
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are the summaries for this week’s civil decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario. All the decisions this week were procedural in nature. One of those was yet another decision in Fontaine v Canada, the Residential School Settlement case, with more appellate decisions apparently to come in that matter.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Misnomers and Misdescriptions: The "Litigation Finger Test" to the Rescue!

  • 22 octobre 2018
  • Marie-Andrée Vermette, WeirFoulds LLP,

Plaintiffs' counsel be aware: the litigation finger test can assist in cases of misdescription or misnomer of a party, allowing the plaintiff to correct their mistake and "add" the intended person as a party even after the expiration of the limitation period.

Litige civil, Student Forum

Privacy Commissioner Says Public Profiles Are Private

  • 22 octobre 2018
  • Imran Ahmad, Katherine Barbacki, and Alexia Magneron

Report from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada sheds light on the limits that Canadian privacy regulators can impose on the use of publicly available personal information on social networking platforms.

Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Student Forum

When a Tribunal’s Reasons Won’t Fly: SCC in Lukács addresses supplemental reasons and public interest standing

  • 22 octobre 2018
  • Ryan MacIsaac

In Delta Airlines Inc v Lukács, the Supreme Court addresses two important issues. First, in a counter-intuitive way, it addresses when a reviewing court may supplement reasons, following concerns raised by administrative lawyers after the seminal case of Edmonton East. Second, it reaffirms that tribunals and courts should provide access to justice by maintaining an open door to public interest litigants with genuine complaints.

Droit administratif, Student Forum

Stirrett v Cheema et al: Ontario Court Explores Fiduciary Duty in Research-Participant Relationship

  • 22 octobre 2018
  • Nida Sohani

A recent decision from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice examines when a researcher-participant relationship in the context of human studies will give rise to fiduciary obligations. In Stirrett v Cheema et al, 2018 ONSC 2595, a plaintiff successfully recovered damages from a defendant physician on the basis that the doctor breached his fiduciary duty to the plaintiff’s deceased spouse who was a participant in the doctor’s study.

Droit relatif à la santé, Student Forum