Articles 2023


5 questions pour préserver l’intégrité déontologique de votre pratique

  • 02 avril 2020
  • Shawn Erker

Sans une vigilance et un soin constant, les avocats peuvent involontairement miner les intérêts de leurs clients ou se trouver dans un dilemme déontologique ou en conflit d’intérêts. Shawn Erker suggère cinq questions essentielles à se poser avant d’entreprendre tout travail juridique.

Gestion de la pratique du droit, Student Forum

Helpful Limitation Period Resources

  • 02 avril 2020
  • Debra Rolph

Summary and links to helpful limitation period resources provided by LAWPRO.

Gestion de la pratique du droit, Student Forum
Julie Weller

Workers’ Compensation & Entitlement for Work-Related COVID-19

  • 02 avril 2020
  • Julie Weller

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board ("WSIB") has confirmed that workers should file claims if they believe that they have contracted COVID-19 while at work. However, the rapid ease with which COVID-19 spreads through communities creates a unique adjudicative challenge. This article discusses the complex principles behind entitlement for WSIB claims pertaining to COVID-19.

Student Forum, Accidents de travail

Travels with My Law Firm: Tips for Improving Your Business Trip Experience

  • 31 mars 2020
  • Cindy Wallace, Cassidy Levy Kent (Canada) LLP

Business travel can be, in equal parts, thrilling and nerve-wracking, wondrous and monotonous, energizing and exhausting. Working as an international trade lawyer, I often travel to my clients, both within Canada and abroad, instead of the reverse. Of course, there is no one “right” way to travel for business. What follows are a few (hopefully) learned thoughts I have cultivated through my travels.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Why Artificial Intelligence Will Not Replace Lawyers

  • 30 mars 2020
  • Shiva Bakhtiary, lawyer at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

With a surge in the number of new legal tech startups come concerned citizens warning that lawyers will soon be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). This unwarranted hype around AI is based on the misconception that we have developed a general or autonomous intelligence system - a computer system that mimics human intelligence, replicates human behavior in any context, and recognizes and resolves new problems for which it was not designed.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division