Articles 2023


Electronic meetings and Proxy Voting

  • 30 octobre 2020
  • Sarah Hahn and Jacklyn Tuckey, Barrison Law

New tools are at the disposal of municipalities, with the introduction of electronic meetings and proxy voting.

Droit municipal, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (October 19 - October 23, 2020)

  • 30 octobre 2020
  • John Polyzogopoulos

There were only three substantive decisions released by the Court of Appeal this week. In Paulpillai Estate v. Yusuf, the Court reviewed in detail the factors to be considered in an analysis of whether an order is final or interlocutory for the purposes of determining the proper appeal route. Other topics covered this week included bank negligence, and building code violations. Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend.

Litige civil, Student Forum
Professional Development: A Lawyer in Recovery

Professional Development: A Lawyer in Recovery

  • 30 octobre 2020
  • Jessie Gomberg

In my recovery from depression and alcoholism, I found purpose in life when I once found none. Once deeply ashamed, I now hope my recovery story can help others.

Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum

Canada’s Human Rights Failures on COVID-19

  • 28 octobre 2020
  • Errol Mendes

When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in March, everyone was saying that we are all in it together. Six months in, it is clear that we are not. We have seen huge disparities in terms of the impacts of this virus on the elderly, the unemployed and underemployed, women, the disabled, Indigenous peoples and racialized minorities.

Droit constitutionnel, libertés civiles et droits de la personne, Student Forum
Marian Serna

Privacy: Legal and Business Needs

  • 28 octobre 2020
  • Marian Serna

When it comes to privacy, understanding the applicable legislation is just the first step for a legal professional. Balancing individuals’ privacy needs with businesses’ ability to implement adequate privacy and cybersecurity protections is troublesome. To understand our role as legal professionals in the privacy industry, we first need to appreciate the ecosystem’s external and internal quirks. This article aims to provide insights into the practicalities of privacy.

Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Student Forum

Considering Intersections: Client Services and Gender Discrimination

  • 27 octobre 2020
  • Birute Luksenaite, Founder and Lawyer, Portfolio Estate Law

I am a new member of the OBA Women Lawyers Forum Executive and I am excited to share my first article for the WLF’s article page and Section Insider. I wanted my first contribution to be something positive and inspiring for women lawyers, but a few experiences in my solo tax and estates practice (since launching it in 2019) raise certain persistent issues prevalent in our profession.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum
Amee Sandhu

Coping with COVID: 4 Reasons To Take A Family Hike

  • 22 octobre 2020
  • Amee Sandhu, Lawyer and Founder, LexIntegra

COVID-19 has been a challenging time with work, building a business, and my three kids (10 and under) at home for six months.  Even when not living through a pandemic, I find it difficult to make time to prioritize my health and wellness.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum

Let’s Talk About Imposter Syndrome in the Legal Profession

  • 22 octobre 2020
  • Thijiba Sinnathamby

An estimated 70 per cent of people experience feeling like an imposter at some point in their lives. While imposter syndrome affects everyone, women and in particular, Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (“BIPOC”) women are uniquely affected by imposter syndrome. 

Forum des avocates, Student Forum

Government of Canada Announces Proposed Regulations for Single-Use Plastics

  • 21 octobre 2020
  • Richard J. King, Jennifer Fairfax, Patrick G. Welsh, and Isabelle Crew

The Federal Government has recently announced proposed regulations for single-use plastics. From a plastics ban, to recycled content requirements, to extended producer responsibility schemes, this article provides a high-level overview of the proposed measures being contemplated by the Federal Government, and outlines next steps for stakeholders that may be impacted by them.

Droit de l’environnement, Student Forum

Whither the Canadian Federal Government’s Proposed Plastics regulatory plan? Will the public and the provinces support federal government efforts to ban and regulate single-use and other plastics in the wake of COVID-19?

  • 21 octobre 2020
  • David McRobert

On Oct. 7, 2020, federal Environment and Climate Change Minister Jonathan Wilkinson announced the federal government would draft regulations to add “plastic manufactured items” to the Schedule 1 list of toxic substances under the Canada Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) by December 2021. This article looks at various aspects of the proposed federal plastics regulatory plan, including potential complications arising from the public and provinces.

Droit de l’environnement, Student Forum