Articles 2021


9 Questions Between Generations

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Jennifer O'Dell

In this series, we ask one seasoned litigator and one litigator just starting out the same questions. We often forget that many of our colleagues are coming from different perspectives when approaching a file, a client, or an intra-office interaction. We hope these questions and answers will help illuminate how lawyers, both senior and junior, navigate the practice of health law.

Droit relatif à la santé, Student Forum

Ontario Court Rules on Decade-Long Property and Membership Dispute

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Esther S.J. Oh

After a lengthy and complicated dispute between members of the Hamilton branch of the Royal Yugoslav Army Combatants’ Association in Canada-Draza Mihailovic (the “RYACA”), the Ontario Superior Court of Justice released its September 1, 2021 decision concerning membership and decision-making rights concerning property owned by RYACA in Varjacic et al. v Radoja et al.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif, Student Forum

Ethical Challenges in Public Law

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Robin Bates

The article summarizes the Public Sector Lawyers Section session on Ethical Challenges in Public Law, which took place in June 2021, and featured Professor Elizabeth Sanderson.

Avocats du secteur public, Student Forum

Tom Marshall Award - June 2021

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Robin Bates

The article discusses the presentation of the Tom Marshall award in June 2021 to Paul Dubé, current Ombudsman of Ontario.

Avocats du secteur public, Student Forum
Aalia Adatia

Case Summary of N. v. F., 2021 ONCA 688: Stay Pending Appeal of N. v. F., 2021 ONCA 614

  • 23 octobre 2021
  • Aalia Adatia, associate lawyer, Hendrikx Family Law

N. v. F. raises issues of how a non-Hague signatory country would determine parenting rights and whether an involuntary separation from a parent creates a serious risk of harm to a child. In the latest round of litigation, the Court of Appeal for Ontario granted the mother a stay pending her appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Droit de la famille, Student Forum

Reverse Class Actions: A New Frontier in Copyright Enforcement?

  • 22 octobre 2021
  • Adil Abdulla, Sotos LLP

Copyright owners have difficulty enforcing their rights against users of pirating software because the maximum recovery from each pirate is often too small to cover the copyright holder’s legal expenses. Meanwhile, there are often thousands, sometimes millions of acts of infringement. If the pirates had the cause of action, this might appear to be ideal for a class action. But can a class be the defendants? In Salna v Voltage Pictures, LLC, the Federal Court of Appeal appears to have said yes.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Nasogaluak and BigEagle : An Examination of Class Action Case Design

  • 22 octobre 2021
  • Sue Tan, Koskie Minsky LLP

In Nasogaluak v. Canada and BigEagle v. Canada, the Federal Court reached differing outcomes on Certification, a puzzling result given the similarities between the two cases. How and why did the Court reach different decisions on two similar cases? The devil is in the details. While Plaintiffs' counsel may be tempted to frame class actions broadly to increase class size, the two decisions offer a reminder that less can sometimes be best, particularly where the claims involve novel elements.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

The Weighty Impact of Obesity on Workers’ Compensation Claims Costs

  • 22 octobre 2021
  • Cassandra Ma, Canada Post Corporation

This article examines the strategy for employers in reducing claim costs by characterizing obesity as a pre-existing condition for the purposes of claiming cost relief from the Second Injury and Enhancement Fund (SIEF). In reviewing recent caselaw from the WSIAT this article finds that obesity will be grounds for SIEF cost relief only where treating physicians have linked a worker's obesity to the work-related injury or its treatment.

Student Forum, Accidents de travail