Articles 2021

OBA Civil Litigation Section Insider: Covid-19 - Rights vs. Mandates?

OBA Civil Litigation Section Insider: Covid-19 - Rights vs. Mandates?

  • 02 février 2022

This issue features interviews with lawyers whose work raises challenges to vaccine mandates, along with a thoughtful article about the joys of in-person oral advocacy. Our upcoming issue will feature senior policy makers, public health officials and lawyers who advocate for vaccine mandates to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. In the best traditions of the litigation Bar, we address these important public policy and legal debates by featuring thoughtful and diverging views on these timely issues.

Litige civil, Student Forum
Featured Member: Andreea Muth

Featured Member: Andreea Muth

  • 31 janvier 2022
  • Andreea Muth

Our guest star for February’s "Featured Member" series is Andreea Muth, one of our CPD liaisons in the Business Law Executive. We thank Andreea for her participation and hope you enjoy getting to know her!

Droit des affaires, Student Forum

Mandate Letters Issued to Amend ITA Concerning the Charitable Status of Certain Organizations

  • 31 janvier 2022
  • Terrance S. Carter

Mandate letters issued by the Prime Minister include direction to introduce amendments to the ITA that would make certain organizations ineligible for charitable status. It remains to be seen what amendments may be introduced, but the proposal is concerning as it specifically targets an existing segment of the sector and it could have unintended long-term consequences for all charities. Any proposed amendments therefore need to be carefully monitored.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif, Student Forum
Keep Remote Work Moving

Keep Remote Work Moving

  • 31 janvier 2022
  • Tiana Knight

This article aims to provide law students, articling students, and young lawyers some tips and tricks to make their day-to-day Work from Home (WFH) a bit more manageable as the legal profession continues to grapple with the ever-changing circumstances of the pandemic.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Moving the Needle on COVID-19 Paediatric Vaccines: An Examination of Recent Legal Trends

  • 31 janvier 2022
  • Matilda Lici and Ava Naraghi

As the highly-contagious Omicron variant sweeps across the province and COVID-19 immunization campaigns for children ramp up, two recent Ontario decisions—A.C. v. L.L., 2021 ONSC 6530 and Saint-Phard v. Saint-Phard, 2021 ONSC 6910—offer a glimpse of the legal trends emerging at this latest intersection of family law and health law.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division
Culture Shocks of Joining the Plaintiff Bar

Culture Shocks of Joining the Plaintiff Bar

  • 31 janvier 2022
  • Adil Abdulla

I recently moved from a defendant-focused firm with almost 100 lawyers to a plaintiff-side class action group with fewer than ten lawyers. Anyone making this transition could have predicted most of the differences, but some differences are harder to see from the outside. This article summarizes three of the latter.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division