Articles 2021


Brown Bag Lunch – June 21, 2022

  • 06 octobre 2022
  • Rebecca Kennedy, Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP

The last Brown Bag Lunch of 2021-2022 was held in June. OBA members gathered, as usual, to discuss interesting practice questions and to share their experiences. Topics discussed in June included issues relating to the storage of original Wills and what constitutes a first dealing.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

The Preferability Analysis in Multi-jurisdictional Class Proceedings

  • 05 octobre 2022
  • Annie Legate-Wolfe

This article summarizes N&C Transportation Ltd. v. Navistar International Corporation, 2022 BCCA 164, in which the British Columbia Court of Appeal set out the factors applicable when weighing the benefits of a multi‑jurisdictional class proceeding against competing extra-provincial actions, including where a proposed settlement has been reached.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Reliability is Relevant to Materiality: Wong v Pretium Resources Inc.

  • 05 octobre 2022
  • Stacey Reisman & Colette Koopman

This article summarizes the Court of Appeal’s decision in Wong v Pretium Resources Inc., 2022 ONCA 549, which confirms that the reliability of information can be relevant to determining the materiality of information under Ontario's Securities Act.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Case Summary: Raponi v Olympia Trust Company

  • 05 octobre 2022
  • Tyler O’Henly

This article summarizes a recent certification motion emphasizing that the scope of a fiduciary duty is not always the same. When alleging a breach of fiduciary duty, class counsel should carefully consider the nature of that relationship.

Droit des recours collectifs, Student Forum

Now We Know It Works: A New Special Advantage for Selection Patents

  • 29 septembre 2022
  • Adil Abdulla

In the pharmaceutical industry, patentees occasionally find new uses for patented drugs. In those cases, courts have long held that they can obtain new patents on subsets of their old patents – called “selection patents” – if those subsets have “special advantages” not disclosed in the old patents. But what happens if the patentee doesn’t find a new use, but finds that a subset is more effective for its original uses?

Student Forum, Technologies de l'information et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle

Succession Planning a Must for Lawyers

  • 29 septembre 2022
  • Lisa Laredo, principal at Laredo Law

Lawyers need to practice what they preach and implement a succession plan that kicks in when they are no longer willing or able to continue in the profession.

Praticien exerçant seul, petit cabinet et pratique générale, Student Forum

The Ontario Court of Appeal Considers Insurance Policy Interpretation in Early COVID-19 Coverage Claim

  • 29 septembre 2022
  • Thomas Russell

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a scar upon numerous sectors in Canada, leaving many businesses reliant on their insurance coverage plans for the resulting business losses. 202135 Ontario Inc., et al v. Northbridge General Insurance, 2022 ONCA 304 appears to be the first COVID-relating coverage case to come before the Ontario Court of Appeal. In this case, the court considered how to interpret a limit of liability clause, ultimately finding in favor of the insured.

Droit des assurances, Student Forum

OBA Award for Excellence in Insurance Law 2020 Winner Profile: John A. Olah

  • 23 septembre 2022
  • Dennis Ong

John A. Olah was called to the bar in 1975 and since then has litigated complex tort litigation matters, ranging from product liability cases to high-profile sporting matters. John is a recognized national and international expert, acting for resorts and hotels across Canada, the Caribbean and Mexico. John’s practice includes private international law cases, complex environmental law litigation as well as class action matters.

Droit des assurances, Student Forum