Articles 2020


Protecting Against Developer Error: Addressing Appropriate Data Management Procedures and Measures for Developers Today… and Tomorrow

  • 17 avril 2019
  • William Lim

Facebook discovered a data breach in 2013 due to the inadvertent interaction between two of its features. The Privacy Commissioner of Canada (“Commissioner”) investigated the cause and aftermath of the breach and decided that the remedial measures Facebook implemented following this breach was sufficient. Would that decision be upheld by a Court in a claim for negligence? What additional but practical technical measures could Facebook have implemented to avoid being found negligent?

Droit de la protection de la vie privée, Student Forum

Lessons from “Hard Work is Not Enough: Take Control of Your Career"

  • 12 avril 2019
  • Heather Douglas, lawyer at AMR LLP

On February 6, 2019, Heather Douglas and Dana Lue of the OBA Young Lawyers' Division chaired the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program "Hard Work is Not Enough: Take Control of Your Career". Read Heather's takeaways from the event here.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Getting Past Pronouns: Gender inclusive practice and drafting in the legal profession

  • 12 avril 2019
  • Elizabeth White, articling student, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Removing and replacing gendered pronouns and gender assumptions is a small but critical way the legal profession can promote equality and respect for gender diverse Canadians. Read on for practical tips and guidelines to be more gender-inclusive using the written word.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Changes to Holding Company Rules May Limit Holding Corporations Ability to Claim ITCs

  • 09 avril 2019
  • Alicia Malone, associate and senior manager at KPMG Law LLP

The GST/HST holding company rules have long been hotly contested between the CRA and GST/HST registrants. The changes proposed by the Department of Finance may help to provide some clarity to this area, however, the new property test for parent corporations will likely limit the application of these previously broad rules.

Student Forum, Droit fiscal

Mulitiple Wills and Basket Clauses: A review of Re Milne Estate and Re Panda

  • 09 avril 2019
  • Adam Giancola, Casey & Moss LLP

The issues raised in Re Milne were a source of much debate in the Estates and Trusts Bar in 2018. In this article, Adam Giancola reviews the recent Divisional Court decision which clarifies the validity of basket clauses used in multiple wills.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions
The Art and Science of Mediating

The Art and Science of Mediating

  • 09 avril 2019
  • Paul M. Iacono, Q.C.

In this article, mediator Paul M. Iacono, Q.C. provides his views for counsel on how best to select a mediator, prepare a mediation brief, prepare clients prior to mediation and advocate at mediation. He then summarizes techniques that mediators can use before and during mediations to increase chances of settlement.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum
Tips for a Successful Mediation

Tips for a Successful Mediation

  • 09 avril 2019
  • Stuart Rudner

This article contains a series of tips on how parties should approach mediation, based upon Stuart Rudner's attendance at hundreds of mediation hearings as counsel for the employee, counsel for the employer and as a mediator.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum
Getting Past Impasse with Mediator Settlement Recommendations

Getting Past Impasse with Mediator Settlement Recommendations

  • 08 avril 2019
  • Mitchell Rose, chartered mediator and settlement counsel, Stancer, Gossin, Rose LLP

Mediator Mitchell Rose describes his “no one gets hurt” approach to mediator settlement recommendations. He explains how his approach preserves party autonomy and bargaining power, while maximizing the chances of settlement.

Mécanismes extrajudiciaires de règlement des conflits, Student Forum