Section 37 Bonusing Principles: A Perpetual Dispute 13 mai 2015 Ian Andres Given the emphasis on intensification in provincial planning policy, it is more important than ever to ensure that an equitable, transparent and predictable process is employed by municipalities seeking section 37 benefits.
Bill 73: Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015 - Comparison Tables 20 mars 2015 A comparison of the relevant provisions of the Development Charges Act, 1997 and the Planning Act with the amendments proposed in Bill 73.
A Recap of the Municipal Law Program at OBA Institute 2015 17 mars 2015 Mark Flowers and Nathan Muscat The highlights of the 2015 Institute Program.
The Development Permit System: When Can Your Client Appeal? 13 mars 2015 Katarzyna Sliwa An overview of the Development Permit System framework and how a DPS by-law affects appeal rights.
Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015 13 mars 2015 Peter Gross Overview of the key amendments to the Planning Act proposed by Bill 73.
Significant Changes to the Planning Act and City of Toronto Act Proposed by Bill 39 19 janvier 2015 Isaac Tang Overview of Bill 39, the Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2014, and its potential implications for the practice of planning law.
Case Comment: Vincor Financial Limited v. Oxford (County), 2014 ONCA 876 19 janvier 2015 Al Burton Commentary on a recent decision in which the Court of Appeal concluded that a municipality did not violate section 106 of the Municipal Act, 2001 by expropriating lands and then transferring the lands to a private business.
December 2014 Professionalism Program 16 décembre 2014 Sharmini Mahadevan Ms. Mahadevan summarizes the section's professionalism program held on December 4, 2014, "Planning and Building Professionalism: Dos and Donts for the Municipal Law Specialist."
The "One Year" Limitation for Injurious Affection Claims under the Expropriations Act in Ontario 16 décembre 2014 Ruhia Jokhio and Maggie Scull This article explores the application and interpretation of s. 22(1) of the Expropriations Act, namely the one year limitation period for claims of compensation for injurious affection.
Professionalism CPD Hours: Why They Matter 18 novembre 2014 Denise Baker An argument for the importance of professionalism CPD, and overview of an upcoming program of interest.