Articles 2024


Case Summary: Graff v. 1960 Queen Street East Ltd.

  • 23 février 2017
  • Jennifer J. Meader

A commentary on a recent decision of the Divisional Court that considered the question of whether the Ontario Municipal Board has the authority to award costs against a non-party

Droit municipal

What To Expect From Toronto’s Local Appeal Body – Knowns and Unknowns

  • 21 février 2017
  • Annik Forristal

A commentary on the introduction of the first local appeal body in the Province - the City of Toronto’s local appeal body that will hear appeals of decisions from the City’s Committee of Adjustment relating to minor variance and consent applications

Droit municipal

Richmond Hill and Parkland Dedication: Is the Municipality Entitled to Deference on the Alternate Requirement?

  • 19 septembre 2016
  • Marc Kemerer

A review of the Divisional Court’s recent decision dealing with the power of a municipality to establish an alternative rate for parkland dedication in its official plan and the question of whether the Ontario Municipal Board has the authority to impose an overall cap on the alternative requirement as part of the Board’s approval of the official plan.

Droit municipal

Regulating Tall Building Setbacks in Downtown Toronto

  • 15 septembre 2016
  • Sharmini Mahadevan

An overview of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments being considered by the City of Toronto to establish specific minimum setbacks for tall buildings in downtown Toronto.

Droit municipal