Complimentary Archived Video OBA Health Law Section Year End Program and Award Presentation 10 juin 2020 The practise and delivery of health care has shifted dramatically in the last few months.
Complimentary Archived Video Long-Term Care: Legal Concerns of Residents, Staff and Homes 21 mai 2020 Long-term care homes are coming under increased scrutiny during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Complimentary Archived Video Rent Relief for Small Firms: Help is Available 07 mai 2020 Whether you need advice on how to negotiate rent relief with your landlord, or have questions on how to access the government support programs available to small businesses for rent assistance, this program will give you the information you need.
Emergency Management, Virtual and In-person Care and Lessons from SARS 26 mars 2020 In the current environment, Health Law and Elder Law lawyers are facing a barrage of legal questions regarding health care services in our communities.
Complimentary Archived Video The Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry: Lessons Learned and What Comes Next 14 novembre 2019 The Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry was established on August 1, 2017 following Elizabeth Wettlaufer’s conviction for first degree murder and other criminal offences committed while she was working as a registered nurse at several long-term care homes.
Guides/Documents Health Law Careers 15 août 2019 This career page was compiled by the Ontario Bar Association’s Health Law Executive with a view to providing lawyers interested in pursuing a career in health law with a short description of several career options. The below career descriptions were created by practitioners in each field.
Complimentary Archived Video OBA Health Law Section Year-End Dinner and Award Presentation 06 juin 2019 Please join us on this special evening for the year-end dinner program of the Health Law Section when we present the OBA Susan Hilary Davidson Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Law to Daphne Jarvis, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP.
Documents de programmes, Complimentary Archived Video The Essentials on Capacity and Consent 23 octobre 2018 Join our stellar faculty as they discuss the varying levels of capacity and consent with respect to personal care.
Documents de programmes, Complimentary Archived Video Advancing and Defending Future Care Cost Claims 04 octobre 2018 The claim for future care costs can be one of the most significant heads of damages in a personal injury/medical negligence action.
Complimentary Archived Video OBA Health Law Section Year-End Dinner 05 juin 2018 Following our award presentation, the Health Law Section is pleased to present this insightful program.