Articles - Focus on Franchising

About ArticlesLes articles ci-dessous sont publiés par la Section du droit des franchises de l'Association du Barreau de l'Ontario. Les membres sont invités à soumettre des articles.  A propos des articles.

Rédacteurs : Melissa Won


For the Record: Recent Cases, Legislation and Trends

  • 17 avril 2012
  • David Kornhauser

Two recent cases demonstrate the differing results that can follow when claiming damages for breach of the duty of fair dealing in Section 3 of the Arthur Wishart Act (Franchise Disclosure), 2000 compared to claimimg punitive damages.

Limitation Periods and The Rescission Remedy

  • 17 avril 2012
  • Gillian S.G. Scott

In Ontario Inc. v. Philthy McNasty’s (Enterprises) Inc., Justice Whitaker held that the limitation period for a claim of compensatory rescission damages starts to run at the point the franchisee knows the franchisor will not be honouring a claim for damages.

Franchisor or Franchisee: Who is the Employer?

  • 01 novembre 2011
  • Nadine Cote

Courts and administrative tribunals are generally sensitive to the vulnerability of employees in employment relationships due to the often unequal bargaining power between employers and most employees.

Leasing of the Business Premises

  • 01 novembre 2011
  • Dan So, Melissa Won

The physical premises from which a franchised business operates will, in many circumstances, have a direct impact on the financial success of the business and, by extension, the franchise system.

Franchise Renewals: An In-House Counsel's Perspective

  • 01 novembre 2011
  • Ross Bain

The Franchise documents have been signed, the training is over, and the outlet has opened. Should the Development and Legal Departments close their files, and diarize them for 10 years from now?