
Complimentary Archived Video

Protecting The Family Cottage

  • 09 mai 2017

For many people, the family cottage is a particularly special place. As family cottages are passed down through generations, a myriad of potential legal issues can arise.

Droit de la famille, Droit des fiducies et des successions, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

The All Families are Equal Act: Celebrating and Understanding the Legislative Changes

  • 01 mars 2017

In December 2016, the All Families Are Equal Act (the “Act”), intended to provide equal treatment for all children regardless of how they were conceived, received royal assent. Amending 41 statutes, including most notably the Children’s Law Reform Act and Vital Statistics Act, the Act recognizes the various types of families in our society and streamlines processes for parents utilizing assisted reproduction and surrogacy.

Droit de la famille, Orientation et identité sexuelles, Student Forum

Vidéos archivées

Seventh Annual Bread and Butter Issues in Family Law

  • 23 septembre 2016

Get the practical insights you need to navigate the tricky issues arising in your daily practice with confidence. From recent need-to-know developments to fundamental skills, gain expert perspectives and strategic advice from our top notch faculty.

Droit de la famille

Complimentary Archived Video

Navigating Family Law Issues in Schools

  • 31 mai 2016

We bring together family lawyers, education lawyers and school administrators to explore the tricky issues arising in the context of a family breakdown and their bearing on school operations, student success and the best interests of the child.

Droit relatif à l’éducation, Droit de la famille, Student Forum